Information for Local VOTF Leadership from
Convention Chairwoman Mary Freeman.

Dear VOTF Leader,

By now I hope that you have heard that the convention registration is on line. Many members have already signed up. What can you as a VOTF leader do to help make the convention a success? Here are a few areas where we could use your assistance.

  1. If you are an affiliate leader, contact the members in your affiliate and encourage them to attend. Materials on the convention are available on the website.
  2. Consider placing an ad in the program for your affiliate or your business. This is a particularly good way to support the event if you are unable to attend.
  3. Organize bus transportation from your area to Providence.
  4. Write an article about the convention for your parish bulletin.
  5. If your affiliate has some material to share with others, rent a booth. Information about doing this is available from Claire or Russ Bessette at
  6. If distance does not allow you to attend, please remember to pray for the success of this endeavor.

Thank you,

Mary Freeman
Convention Chairperson


In the Vineyard
August 9, 2007
Volume 6, Issue 15 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

Page One

Office Note: Looking for meaningful volunteer work? The VOTF National office can help! We have a menu of opportunities. Please call Millie Seaborn at 617-558-5252 or email at

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