We are pleased to announce the creation of two advisory groups that have
begun to be a vital resource to the National Campaign for Accountability.
The Legislative Accountability Advisors (LAA) consists of members with
experience in legislative efforts and the Financial Accountability
Advisors (FAA) consists of financial experts. Both of these advisory groups have
recently dedicated themselves to the following:
- To provide resources and “on-call” support that will bolster
affiliates’ campaign efforts
- To share campaign successes and lessons learned with other involved
- To make suggestions for how to revise the campaign plans as new information
presents itself
We thank the following members have generously volunteered their
time to assist others in the ongoing campaign: LAA Members:
Tom Byrne (Cleveland, OH)
Patrick Collins (Long Island, NY)
Chuck Miller (Montgomery County, MD)
Judy Miller (Montgomery County, MD)
John Moynihan (Boston, MA)
Bob Schwiderski (Twin Cities, MN)
Ed Wilson (Brooklyn, NY)
FAA Members:
Brenda Hackett (Wayne, PA)
Joe Harris (Seattle, WA)
John Hauter (Chicago, IL)
George Perkins (Fall River, MA)
Brad Pritts (Ann Arbor, MI)
If you need help or advice with regard to a legislative campaign, please
contact a Protect Our Children Campaign Leader in your state. For assistance
with a financial accountability campaign please contact a Financial
Accountability Campaign leader in your area. You can also contact the LAA directly at
byrne351@yahoo.com or the FAA directly at VOTF_FAA_SUPPORT@yahoogroups.com. |