By James E. Muller, M.D., Chair
Delivered to the First International Convention of Voice of the
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 20, 2002
It is an honor and a joy to address this holy gathering of Catholics
- this magnificent "Response of the Faithful."
As I suspect is true for many of you, there was a time just months
ago when I could take no joy in contemplation of our Church - when
I could barely attend Mass, when I wanted to smash the glass award
I had been given for "celebrating Catholic Values" - values debased
by the scandal. The revelations of massive sexual abuse by clergy
and the pervasive cover-ups awakened me to the terrible flaws in
our Church. I reached the painful conclusion that I must either
attempt to correct these deep structural defects or leave the Catholic
It would not be easy to leave a Church that had provided spiritual
guidance from early childhood. I vividly recall serving the 5 a.m.
Mass that my Uncle Paul, an Irish-Catholic priest, said at the Carmelite
monastery in Indianapolis. While we appeared to be alone in the
chapel, the presence of the sisters was manifest by a magnificent
Gregorian chant flowing from behind black screens on either side
of the altar. The heavenly combined voices of these faithful provided
my earliest, and most vivid appreciation of the presence of divinity
in this world.
My aunt, Sister Mary Lea, from the German Catholic side of my family,
set an example as an early leader in higher education for women
at Mount Saint Joseph College in Cincinnati. At age 98, she is following
Voice of the Faithful on the Internet and, via email, wishes us
well today.
Four years of Latin in high school led me to Russian at Notre Dame
and medicine at Johns Hopkins. From this base, the Catholic social
activism advocated by Vatican II contributed to a struggle with
Russian doctors against nuclear arms - a struggle for life - in
which we built, without the Internet, a world-wide organization
of over 150,000 doctors. The effort was nurtured by the writings
of Thomas Merton, by Pace in Terra, and by the examples of Father
Hesburgh and Cardinal Bernardin. Father John Philbin and Cardinal
Umberto Medeiros helped us obtain a letter from Pope John Paul II,
who supported our work with communist physicians for the preservation
of life on the planet. The world is safer because of these noble
actions of the Catholic hierarchy.
For the host of reasons I have just described, the option of leaving
the church without a fight did not seem viable. In February, I discussed
the other option of changing the church, with my wonderful wife
Kathleen, a devoted Catholic, and a veteran of many worthy causes.
While we both knew the chaos it would cause for our individual lives,
she sent me forth to give it a try.
My initial plan was to become educated on the crisis by reading
and talking with other Catholic laity. After the January Sunday
Mass that followed the weekend's horrible revelations, I asked Fr.
Thomas Powers, our deeply spiritual pastor at St. John's in Wellesley,
if we could convene a group of laity to discuss the scandal. Fr.
Tom agreed to my proposal, and in addition, suggested that the laity
be permitted to speak freely about the crisis, in church, with a
microphone, with lay leadership, after each Mass on two consecutive
Sundays. Over 600 participated, and the silence in the pews was
A world of deeply spiritual and talented people suddenly appeared.
I would learn that Peggie Thorp, whom I had never met, was working
on a book about why she remains Catholic, that Jim Post was a leader
of the world monitoring group to ensure that Nestle's corporate
practices did not harm children in the developing world, and that
Paul Baier was an inspirational leader and a master in the use of
the Internet.
We began with weekly, then biweekly, then triweekly meetings in
the St. John's basement, and reached a level of nearly continuous
email chatter. Our meetings were joined by many from other parishes.
One night in March, I was unable to park within 4 blocks, as more
than 500 overflowed our small meeting rooms. A holiness, a spirit,
guided the meetings. We knew by April that we had the germ seed
for a world movement. This group founded Voice of the Faithful.
Our weekly discussions produced the clarification of the problem,
and its solution, that I had hoped for. I tried to summarize the
findings in some simplified slides that have been useful to many.
Analysis of Causation
The causation of the terrible problems of clergy sexual abuse and
the institutional cover-up can be viewed as is the analysis of causation
of death that is written on a death certificate. The certificate
starts with the visible problem, a death, and then identifies the
proximate causes such as a heart attack, and the underlying cause
such as atherosclerosis.
The death in this case is the tragedy of the dual problems of clergy
sexual abuse and cover-up. With regard to proximate causes, the
faithful of liberal and conservative persuasions will differ, but
many will share an appreciation of the underlying cause as the existence
of centralized power that is neither checked, nor balanced. Voice
of the Faithful is concerned with the underlying cause of the problem.
Hierarchical Church in Crisis
Role of Laity: a narrow hierarchical church is in extreme crisis.
A church buttressed by the faithful will be stronger.
Tower of Pisa
There is some hard evidence that narrow ecclesial structures have
a tendency to go astray. Contributions of Laity - Vatican II Created
Articulation Points
The pilgrim Church improves through history. Copernicus and Galileo
contributed to the Church by identifying the proper position of
the Earth in the solar system. In this time of crisis, the Church
needs contributions from the laity with its understanding of sexuality,
representative democracy, and the equality of women.
The Current Church
As indicated by the worldwide institutional cover-up of clergy sexual
abuse, the power structure of the current church is flawed. While
both the faithful and the hierarchy base their faith on the revelations
of Jesus Christ, doctrine, and tradition, the executive, legislative,
and judicial power of the Church is not checked or balanced, and
is concentrated in the hands of the hierarchy. Although the faithful
provide the financial support essential for the church, they have
little influence on church decisions: "Donation without representation"
is the modus operandi. In addition, many of the most active Faithful
are divided into liberal and conservative camps, a division which
prevents attention to the larger problem of lack of a voice for
laity of either persuasion. Under these conditions, the laity cannot
strengthen the Church by participating in its power structure.
The Changed Church
The goal of VOTF is to "Keep the Faith - Change the Church." A "changed
Church" would have a broader base of power with checks and balances,
and would be much stronger. If conservative, moderate, and liberal
faithful were able to agree on a constitution for democratic representation
of the views of the faithful, strong supports could be added to
the Church. Laity speaking for a democratic institution could participate
with the clergy in the balanced exercise of executive, legislative,
and judicial power.
The Mainstream Nature of Voice
The Voice of the Faithful is designed to speak for the majority
of Catholics. A critical element in creating a valuable organization
will be to convince Catholics of conservative, moderate, and liberal
views that the organization is of value. Since VOTF itself is a
change and a decentralization of power, its appeal may be more readily
apparent to those on the left. It must configure itself in such
a manner that it is also seen as valued by those on the right. This
will be possible if it remains focused on the single goal of finding
a voice for the laity, and leaves the discussion of divisive issues
for the period when a representative democracy of the laity is functioning.
Structures of Hierarchy and VOTF
Curia. Here is a new structure emerging, a historic change for the
Catholic Church. In the VOTF structure - parish, diocesan, etc.
- the arrows point up and elected officers have term limits. The
structures work together; there is dialogue at each level, a great
synergy. The hierarchy preserves dogma, the laity provides input
from history, resulting in a stronger pilgrim Church.
Better Than Either Alone
The hierarchy alone has prior errors — the Crusades, the arrest
of Galileo, the Inquisition, the failure to assist Jews. But even
so, there has been progress: not long ago, I could have been burned
at stake for disagreeing with a Cardinal.
The laity alone would be closer to Protestant church, without the
valuable contributions of hierarchy, including preserved teachings
across two millennia, social good, etc.
Why might hierarchy share power with laity, as called for by Vatican
II? Groups rarely relinquish power; it must be taken. The laity
outnumber clergy by 1,000 to 1, and are 99.9% of the members of
the Church. The laity initially controls 100% of the cash, and now
envisions a structure that can give it selective control over donations.
Great Progress Has Been Made
Voice has 19,000 members [now 25,000] in 22 nations, a worldwide
message, an office, Stephen Krueger as executive director, a democratic
council at the hybrid level, and 60+ Parish Voice affiliates.
Dialog with bishops is already occurring in multiple dioceses.
In Boston, I can report the following. In a phone call yesterday,
Bishop Edyvean told me that Cardinal Law and the bishops of the
Archdiocese of Boston are unanimous in their support of the ongoing
conversations between Bishop Edyvean and the leadership of Voice
of the Faithful.
Must Build VOTF
Donate to build VOTF - this emerging structure must be funded with
at least $500,000 in the next six months to seize the moment. Envelopes
are available in the program.
Reasons for VOTF's Growth
Like the emergence of the perfect storm, there are at least 12 reasons
for the spectacular growth of VOTF:
- Church in crisis prior to January 2002
- Greater role of laity in Church liturgy
- Massive extent of Boston sex abuse
- Simple message of Voice
- Mainstream focus of Voice
- Academic power in Boston
- Documents of Vatican II
- Support from 60 theologians
- Support from priests of integrity
- Internet: the noosphere of Teilhard de Chardin
- Deep love of Church
- Work of the Holy Spirit
What Must Be Done by VOTF?
We must enable a worldwide church of one billion members to
return to its teachings of the first century of our era, 1,900
years ago, when the divine message of Jesus Christ was fresh,
clear, ethical, and uncorrupted - when the laity had a voice
in selection of bishops. In modern terms, this represents a
need for 1.9 trillion person-years of change.
We must build a Church that Jesus would survey with a smile,
which would be relevant to our children, which could work more
effectively with other faiths, and which could bring its positive
message to a world longing for a stronger sense of community
and spiritual values.
For the massive task ahead, we will be aided by a legal system
that defends the powerless, a free press, the Internet, email,
word processors, representative democracy that makes possible
powerful collective action, and the ability to exert collective
control over our individual financial donations that sustain
the Church. We have an excellent structure and superb leadership
by Jim Post.
The love and energy you have showered on Voice, most visible
in your participation here today, leave no doubt that the faithful
want to change the church.
The Changed Church
At present we have a surprisingly clear idea of what is needed —
a partnership of hierarchy and empowered laity — but it is
just a plan, just a blueprint. We must commit to sustained work
to turn it into reality.
Mallorca Cathedral
This magnificent 750-year-old Catalan Gothic cathedral, which Kathleen
and I visited just two weeks ago in Mallorca, is real. This Cathedral
resulted from a collaboration between the hierarchy, which planned
the project, and thousands of laity who provided the funding and
lifted the stones, over the course of hundreds of years. May the
appreciation of divinity that this structure invites inspire us
in our task ahead - of keeping the faith and building a new, stronger,
deeply moral, modern, ancient and holy Catholic Church, buttressed
by our efforts and our prayers.
