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Boston College:
The Church in the 21st Century
The Church
in the 21st Century initiative began in 2002 as
Boston College’s attempt to address the issues
underlying the clerical sexual abuse crisis. The initiative
three focal issues: handing on the faith, the roles and
relationships of lay men and women, priests, and bishops
in the Church, and
sexuality in the Catholic tradition. In its first two
years, the Church in the 21st Century attracted 25,000
to over 130
events it sponsored or co-sponsored, had 55,000 visitors
to its Web site, distributed its publications to 160,000.
Church in the 21st Century will continue beyond its originally
announced two-year period and become a permanent Boston
College Center with a focus on the contemporary issues
and questions
that are facing or will face the American Catholic community
in the 21st Century.
Continuing Education Opportunities
Pre-registration is required for all programs. To register
or for more information, contact Maureen Lamb at 617-552-8057
or toll-free at 800-487-1167. You can also register
Additional Resource: Institute
for Religious Education & Pastoral Ministry

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Voice affiliate in your area.
here to get your copy of Keep the Faith, Change the
Voice of the Faithful is recognized as one of the
most promising lay organizations to evolve in the Catholic Church. Your
support is absolutely necessary for us to continue. The online
donation form and the mail
in donation form are both quick and easy ways for you to participate,
and we are most grateful. (VOTF
is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. )

Mission Statement
To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit,
through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance
and guidance of the Catholic Church.
Our Goals
1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.
2. To support priests of integrity
3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

Pray Each Day
at Noon
Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness.
Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More
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