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Suggested Readings & Resources

Prepared by Voice of Renewal/Education in the
Spirit of Vatican II Working Group As of 1/30/03

Please note: inclusion in these lists does not constitute an official VOTF endorsement of the ideas in these readings. The readings are intended to represent a full spectrum of Catholic thinking and are meant to stimulate thought and discussion.

The VOTF Voice of Renewal Working Group has compiled this comprehensive library of suggested readings for every concerned Catholic, so that we might better understand Catholic Church history, structure, traditions, spirituality and teachings. We have tried to include readings that represent the full spectrum of Catholic thought. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with Canon Law and the documents from Vatican II . Please feel free to suggest additional readings by contacting Jan Leary at JanVOTF@aol.com.

Also, please join us on Tuesday evenings at 7PM, when our VORenewal "Discussion & Action" Group meets, along with other VOTF Working Groups. During our meetings, VORenewal members consider various and diverse topics related to the mission and goals of VOTF. For more information on these meetings, contact Jan Leary at JanVOTF@aol.com.

General Readings

St. Thomas Aquinas. Selected Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica

Armstrong, Karen. A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

St. Augustine. Confessions

Balasureya, Fr. Tissa. Mary and Human Liberation: The Story and the Text

Barry S.J., William. A God and You: Prayer as a Personal Relationship

Bausch, Fr. William J. Breaking Trust: A Priest Looks at the Scandal of Sexual Abuse

Benyei, Candace Reed. Understanding Clergy Misconduct in Religious Systems: Scapegoating Family Systems & the Abuse of Power

Berry, Jason. Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children

Bolan, Jean Shinoda. The Millionth Circle: How to Change Ourselves and the World

Boston Globe Investigative Staff. Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church

Braden, Gregg. The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy

Bruni, Frank & Burkett, Elinor. A Gospel of Shame: Children, Sexual Abuse, and the Catholic Church

Carr, Anne E. Transforming Grace: Christian Tradition and Women's Spiritual Experience

James Carroll. Constantine's Sword

Caspary, Anita. Witness to Integrity: The Crisis of the Immaculate Heart Community of California

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Chittister OSB, Joan. Winds of Change: Women Challenge the Church

Chittister OSB, Joan. Wisdom Distilled From the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict

Cozzens, Fr. Donald. The Changing Face of the Priesthood

Cozzens, Fr. Donald. Sacred Silence

D'Antonio, William et al. Laity American and Catholic: Transforming the Church

D'Antonio, William et al. American Catholics: Gender, Generation, and Commitment

Day, Dorothy & Berrigan, Fr. Daniel. The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of Dorothy Day

Deen-Carnes, Robin & Craig, Sally. Sacred Circles: A Guide to Creating Your Own Women's Spiritual Group

DeChardin, Teilhard. Building the Earth

DeChardin, Teilhard. The Divine Milieu

Dennis, Marie. Oscar Romero: Reflections on His Life and Writings (Modern Spiritual Masters Series)

Dillon, Michele. Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power

Dulles, Avery. Models of the Church

Fiedler, Maureen & Rabben, Linda (Eds.). Rome Has Spoken: A Guide to Forgotten Papal Statements, and How They Have Changed Through the Centuries

Flinders, Carol Lee. At the Root of This Longing: Reconciling a Spiritual Hunger and a Feminist Theology

Frederiksen, Paula. Jesus of Nazareth: A Jewish Life and the Emergence of Christianity

Hansen, Barbara. Listen to the Cry of the Child

Henton, Darcy et al. Boys Don't Cry: the Struggle for Justice and Healing in Canada's Biggest Sex Abuse Scandal

Groome, Thomas. What Makes Us Catholic?

Johnson, Elizabeth. She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discussion

Kaufman OSB, Philip. Why You Can Disagree and Remain a Faithful Catholic

Thomas Keating. Foundations for Centering Prayer and the Christian Contemplative Life: Open Mind, Open Heart, Invitation to Love, Mystery of Christ

Kennedy, Eugene. The Unhealed Wound

Kennedy, Sheila R. Shattered Faith: A Woman's Struggle to Stop the Catholic Church from Annulling Her Marriage

Kung, Hans. Christianity: Essence, History, and Future

Kung, Hans. The Catholic Church: A Short History

Maltz, Wendy. The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors for Sexual Abuse

Manning, Joanna. Is the Pope Catholic? A Woman Confronts Her Church

Anthony Massimini. The New Dance of Christ

McFague, Sallie. Models of God

McBrien, Richard P. Catholicism (2 Vol.)

McBrien, Richard P. Responses to 101 Questions on the Church

McBrien, Richard P. Church: The Continuing Quest

McGinnis, Kathleen & James. Parenting for Peace and Justice

Meier, Fr. John P. A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus (3 Volumes)

Merton, Thomas. The Seven Storey Mountain

Morwood, Michael. Tomorrow's Catholic

Nouwen, Henri J. M. The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming

Nolan, Albert. Jesus Before Christianity

O'Murchu MSC, Diarmuid. Reclaiming Spirituality

O'Murchu MSC, Diarmuid. Quantum Theology

Osiek RSCJ, Carolyn. Beyond Anger: On Being A Feminist in the Church

Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Almanac

Pennington, Basil. Centered Living: The Way of Centering Prayer

Pennington, Basil. Lexio Divina: Reviving the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures

Quinn, John R. The Reform of the Papacy: The Costly Call to Christian Unity

Rahner, Fr. Karl. Foundations of Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity

Reiser S.J., William. To Hear God's Word, Listen to the World

Reiser S.J., William. Looking for a God to Pray to: Christian Spirituality in Transition

Rizzuto, M.D., Ana-Maria. The Birth of the Living God

Rose, Michael S. Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church

Schneiders, Sandra M. With Oil in Their Lamps: Faith, Feminism, and the Future

Schussler-Fiorenza, Elisabeth. In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins

Steindal-Rast, Br. David. Gratefulness: The Heart of Prayer

Swidler, Leonard & O'Brien, Herbert (Eds.). A Catholic Bill of Rights

Swidler, Leonard. Toward a Catholic Constitution

Swimme, Brian. The Universe Is a Green Dragon

Tracy, David. On Naming the Present: Reflections on God, Hermeneutics, and Church

Van Dyke, Beth. What About Her? A True Story of Clergy Abuse Survival

Vatican II (see list below)

Vasoli, Robert W. What God Has Joined Together: The Annulment Crisis in American Catholicism

Weigel, George. The Courage to Be Catholic: Crisis, Reform, and the Future of the Church

Wills, Garry. Why I Am a Catholic

Wills, Garry. Papal Sin

Wilkes, Paul. The 7 Secrets of Successful Catholics

Winter, Miriam Therese. Out of the Depths

Winter, Miriam Therese. Defecting in Place: Women Claiming Responsibility for Their Own Spiritual Lives

Vatican II Readings

Primary Sources

1. Vatican Council II: The Conciliar & Post-Conciliar Documents, by Austin P. Flannery (Ed.)

2. Vatican Council II: More Post-Conciliar Documents (Vatican Collection, V. 2, Vatican Council 1962-1965), by Austin Flannery, et al

3. Documents of Vatican II by Walter M. Abbott (Ed.)

4. Documents of Vatican II: In a New and Definitive Translation With Commentaries and Notes by Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Authorities, by Walter M. Abbott (Ed.)

5. The Sixteen Documents of Vatican II (Ecclesial Classics) by Marianne Lorraine (Vatican Council 1962-1965)

6. Dogmatic Constitution of the Church: Lumen Gentium


1. Documents and Commentaries of Vatican II, by Herbert Vorgrimler & Walter Abbott

2. Vatican II In Your Community: A Dialogue and Action Manual Based on the Sixteen Documents of the Second Vatican Council, by Stanley I. Stuber & Claude D. Nelson

3. Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, by Herbert Vorgrimler

Other Resources

1. Letters from Vatican City, by Xavier Rynne

2. Videos: The Faithful Revolution (a five set of videos and a Video Study Guide complete with questions for discussion accompanies this education tool)

3. Software: Vatican Council II: The Counciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents, by Austin Flannery (Ed.) (Software November, 1999)

4. Voice of Renewal members are available to speak to small groups for discussion starters in education about the Vatican II Council and the documents.





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VOTF Leadership Meeting, Indianapolis, IN July 2005
VOTF Leadership Meeting, Indianapolis, IN July 2005
?It?s Not History ? It?s Time for Renewal? ? Worcester, MA Nov. 13, 2004
?It?s Not History ? It?s Time for Renewal? ? Worcester, MA Nov. 13, 2004
"Response of the Faithful" -Boston, MA, July 20, 2002
"Response of the Faithful" -Boston, MA, July 20, 2002
"Being Catholic in the 21st Century" - NY, NY, Oct. 25, 2003
"Being Catholic in the 21st Century" - NY, NY, Oct. 25, 2003
Story of Convention
Story of Convention
Declaration to Pope
Declaration to Pope
Fr. Doyle's Speech
Fr. Doyle's Speech
Jim Muller's Speech
Jim Muller's Speech
Jim Post's Speech
Jim Post's Speech
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Letter to our Friends
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YA Mission Statement
YA Mission Statement
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Working Papers
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Conference Notes
Observations on Crimen Sollicitantionis (PDF)
Observations on Crimen Sollicitantionis (PDF)
VOTF Council Resolution  
VOTF Council Resolution  
Revised Norms 6/05
Revised Norms 6/05
Revised Charter 6/05
Revised Charter 6/05
Dallas Charter
Dallas Charter
Norms Approved by Bishops
Norms Approved by Bishops
Problems Implementing Bishops' Charter
Problems Implementing Bishops' Charter
Bishops' Monitoring Form
Bishops' Monitoring Form
Effects of Sexual Abuse
Effects of Sexual Abuse
VOTF Speakers' Bureau
VOTF Speakers' Bureau
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Canon Law
Canon Law
Vatican II
Vatican II
15 Things Any Catholic Can Do
15 Things Any Catholic Can Do
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?Church 21? at B.C.
?Church 21? at B.C.
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