Sign of Hope and Responsibility from the Heartland
Vice President, Sally Vance Trembath's Statement
am a child of the Midwest and was heartened and proud
to read of the action of the Board of Directors at St.
Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. I graduated from
St. Ambrose in 1976. I studied Theology alongside the
seminarians and I earned my degree in English as well
as my teaching certificate there. The professors at St.
Ambrose trained me well and I continue to look to many
of them as models for my own teaching. It was very gratifying
to see that Professor Rogalski, who was my Psychology
professor, exercised leadership in healing victims of
abuse and in making St. Ambrose a sacramental sign of
Catholic identity. During a time when Catholic Higher
education is struggling with issues of identity, it is
very satisfying to see places like St. Ambrose where
Catholicism is not a slogan but a way of life. I was
formed by St. Ambrose in the informed reception of Vatican
II. Across all the departments that educated especially
English, History, Art and Philosophy, I was challenged
to understand why Catholics count themselves as intellectuals
as well as people of faith. I learned to drink deeply
from the liturgy at noon Mass at St. Ambrose where the
homily was always well crafted and the movement of the
Eucharist was intentional and welcoming.
The St. Ambrose Board of Directors continues to model
this cooperation between lay and clergy. This is a specific
example of a local community trying to implement the
emblems of Catholic identity. Our symbols matter. They
tell the world who we are and what matters to us. It
is surely tragic to have to remove a bishop's name. But
doing so also marks a truth. The bishop contributed to
the harm to victims. Removing his name is an act of contrition
and thus healing begins.