A Liturgy of Rededication and Reconsecration
Voice of the Faithful One-Year Anniversary, 2003
It has been one year since the first revelations in the Boston
Globe alerted Catholics to the horror of sexual abuse by clergy
in the Archdiocese of Boston. It was the knowledge of the suffering
of so many innocent children, men, and women that led to the establishment
of Voice of the Faithful, a Spirit-filled movement of hearts and
minds determined to make their collect voice heard in support of
victim/ survivors, in support of priests of integrity, and in support
of changes in the structures of their Church to keep this scandal
from every occurring again.
We need to take this moment to rededicate and reconsecrate ourselves
and our organization to the healing and reconciling work we are
committed to in our Mission Statement and Goals. We begin where
we always begin, in prayer. The strength of VOTF is that we have
always grounded ourselves in prayer and have struggled to keep ourselves
"attentive to the Spirit." Through the power of a generous and faithful
God, constantly revealed to us in the events of our lives, we are
able to be disciples of Christ's love and reconciliation.
Please use any and all of this liturgy to fashion your own Liturgy
of Rededication. This liturgy is an effort to provide a common "prayerful
voice" which unites VOTF in prayer. Please let us know of the graces
received through the use of any part of this liturgy. It strengthens
us all to know each other at prayer!
- Susan Troy, M.Div.
A Liturgy of Rededication and Reconsecration
Voice of the Faithful One-Year Anniversary, 2003
[Portions of this liturgy were used at the February
22, 2003 VOTF Representative Council Meeting as we prayerfully rededicated
ourselves to the Mission and Goals of our movement.]
Anointing with holy oil upon entering the Church or ritual space
[Oil should be blessed by those who will be anointing the congregates.
Make this a powerful and prayerful moment. Create a prayer of blessing,
or use
"Lord, bless this oil that will be a sign of your holy presence
in our lives of service and love as we unite to be a force of your
Make a cross with oil on the forehead:
"Anointed to serve,
Sealed in love"
Entrance Hymn: chose a song that represents your tradition; some
wonderful choices include:
"Holy Ground", John Michael Talbott, Chordant Distribution Group,
Brentwood, Tennessee
"City of God", Daniel Schutte, Oregon Catholic Press
"Bless The Feast", James Hansen, OCP
"Sing a New Church", Delores Dufner, OCP
Oil included in processional, along with Lectionary
We are gathered here together in faith, in joy, and in gratitude,
to witness and give thanks to our most generous God, whose Spirit
continues to enfold us, bless us, and send us forth. The cries of
anguish and pain, Christ on the cross, brought us together over
a year ago. Stories too long hidden pushed us to confront awful
truths. Stories and realities too long ignored galvanized us to
come together in a new and powerful way, to give voice to a newly
awakened laity. The Holy Spirit gathered us together. Today (tonight)
we come together to give thanks for the healing of this past year,
for the presence of Christ's light, mercy, and truth in our lives
and in the life of our Church, and to rededicate ourselves to the
mission we have been created for: to announce the genuine reign
of God in the world and in our Church.
The work is always just begun. But we have seen a great light.
We have seen it in the eyes of victim/survivors journeying towards
healing. We have seen it in our midst as we prayed to be a "prayerful
Voice, attentive to the Spirit." We have seen it in the efforts
of an empowered laity to be responsive to our call to be Church
and Christ to each other.
As we gather around the table to celebrate that which is our central
lifegiving force - Christ made present in our act of Thanksgiving
and remembrance - let us rededicate and reconsecrate ourselves to
the work before us. Let us rededicate and reconsecrate ourselves
to be truly the Body of Christ, healing, reconciling, bringing justice,
Loving and merciful God, source of our life and salvation
Source of all wisdom and joy
You have gathered us together in your love as the Body of Christ,
as your Church
Recreate in us a heart and spirit renewed,
A heart and spirit rededicated to your holy and healing work:
-The healing, side by side with our brothers and sisters betrayed
and abused by the church
-The healing and support of our ordained priests
-The healing and renewal of your wounded church
We are one in and through you.
You have gathered us together; you have called us to your work.
Your Spirit among us gives your Church new life, and we raise our
voices to proclaim your truth,
your victory, your reconciliation.
Help us to be strong. Help us to have the courage and wisdom to
do your will, to be faithful to your voice in our hearts, in our
Isaiah 57:14
Build up, build up, prepare the way,
remove the stumbling blocks from my people's path.
For thus says he who is high and exalted,
living eternally, whose name is the Holy One;
On high I dwell, and in holiness,
and with the crushed and dejected in spirit,
To revive the spirits of the dejected,
to revive the hearts of the crushed.
I will not accuse forever,
nor always be angry;
For their spirits would be faint before me,
the souls that I have made.
Because of their wicked avarice I was angry,
and struck them, hiding myself in wrath,
as they went their own rebellious way.
I saw their ways,
but I will heal them and lead them;
I will give full comfort
to them and to those who mourn for them,
I, the Creator who gave them life.
Peace, peace to the far and the near,
says the Lord; and I will heal them.
But the wicked are like the tossing sea
which cannot be calmed,
And its waters cast up mud and filth
No peace for the wicked, says my God.
Responsorial Psalm (sung)
"Grant To Us, O Lord," Lucien Deiss, Gregorian Institute of America
"Grant to us, O Lord, a heart renewed
Recreate in us your Spirit, Lord."
Romans 8:14-25
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.
For you do not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear,
but you received a sprit of adoption, through which we cry, Abba,
"Father!" The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we
are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and
joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with him so that we may
also be glorified with him. I consider that the sufferings of this
present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed
for us. For creation awaits with eager expectation the revelation
of the children of God; for creation was made subject to futility,
not of its own accord but because of the one who subjected it, in
hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption
and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know
that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and
not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the
spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption,
the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved. Now hope
that sees for itself is not hope. For who hopes for what one sees?
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait with endurance.
Luke 5:1-7
While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word
of God, he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret. He saw two boats
there alongside the lake; the fishermen had disembarked and were
washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging
to Simon, he asked him to put out a short distance from the shore.
Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. After he had
finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and
lower your nets for a catch." Simon said in reply, "Master, we have
worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command
I will lower the nets." When they had done this, they caught a great
number of fish and their nets were tearing. They signaled to their
partners in the other boat to come to help them. The came and filled
both boats so that they were in danger of sinking."
[This is a suggested Gospel reading. It can be appropriate because
it deals with themes of discipleship, what is being asked of the
"faithful" in all times, and especially now. As disciples, we must
be attuned to what Christ is asking of us, Christ's will. We must
go into "deep water" perhaps facing complex issues, facing unknown
areas, facing our tiredness. But Christ is telling us that to follow
his instruction leads to great rewards, greater than we even could
have imagined. At this moment of rededication and reconsecration,
it is good that we should be reminded of the terms of discipleship.
We are being asked to keep going, to go into deeper waters, to do
the work to which we say we are committed. If we wish to fulfill
our mission, Christ's mission, we must do the work.]
PROFESSION OF FAITH [Use many different "voices" throughout
the assembly]
l. For the children, women and men wounded and scarred by abuse
and betrayal in the Church, we pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
Who will bind up the wounds?
Response: Here I Am.
2. For those who struggle brokenhearted to have their voices heard
in the Church they love, a Church which cannot hear, will not hear,
we pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
Who will be voice for the voiceless?
Response: Here I Am.
3. For all those who have heard the message of Jesus Christ and
speak the truth to power, we pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
Who will speak the truth?
Response: Here I Am.
4. Because justice does not abide in the smiling lie, let the power
of love overcome the love of power and sweep injustice from our
Church, we pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
Who will stand for justice?
Response: Here I Am.
5. Generous God, may your love be the force that inspires us. We
pray to the Lord.
Who will sow love?
Response: Here I Am.
[When the gifts of bread and wine are brought forth, consider
other "gifts" that will be symbols of the work of Voice of the Faithful
this past year: the support of survivor/victims; support of priests
of integrity; work for change of those structures in the church
that helped perpetuate the scandal of sexual abuse and cover-up.]
If a collection is taken up, we strongly suggest that it be
dedicated to Goal #1 of Voice of the Faithful, the support of victim/survivors.
Consider a contribution to a group that provides direct survivor/victim
services in your area, such as SNAP or The Linkup.
"Christ, Be Our Light," Bernadette Farrell, OCP
"You Are All We Have," Francis Patrick O'Brien, GIA
"We Are Many Parts," Marty Haugen, OCP
"Here I Am, Lord," Daniel Schutte, OCP
"Bread For The World," Bernadette Farrell, OCP
"Love One Another," verses 2,3,4,5 and 7, Bob Dufford, OCP
"My Song Will Be With You Forever," David Haas, GIA, from the
CD, "Where the River Flows."
[Prayerful gestures are a way of using your body for praise, for
wholehearted response to God. This brings prayer to another level
in that it moves it from inside your mind and heart to an outside,
visible expression.]
May almighty God bless us, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
[Have the participants turn and raise their hands in blessing over
each other; divide as necessary.]
May our powerful and loving God bless us as we go forward in love
and discipleship, rededicated to the task given us by our Savior
to build up the reign of God in our lives, in our Church, and in
our world.
May our generous and wondrous God bless us as we go forward in
love and discipleship reconsecrated to the work of being a "prayerful
voice, attentive to the Spirit," reconciling and healing the brokenness
that envelopes us. Amen.
"We Are Called," David Haas, GIA
"Send Us," Scott Soper, OCP
