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Statement by Voice of the Faithful Regarding Parish Closings in the Archdiocese of Boston
from John Hynes, Voice of the Faithful – Boston; Steve Krueger, Executive Director, Voice of the Faithful

Newton, MA – January 14, 2004 - In December, Voice of the Faithful expressed concern about the plans of the Archdiocese of Boston to close up to 80 parishes around the region. We remain apprehensive about the closings and the process by which they will be undertaken. Although we are pleased that the archdiocese has taken a step to implement a diocesan-wide plan to include the laity at the parish level, we are calling for greater accountability from the archdiocese about the case for closings and for a more open process that will include meaningful involvement of the laity at all levels.

Voice of the Faithful has grave concerns that the process deliberately limits the input that lay people must have if we expect the Boston archdiocese to heal and grow. In particular, Voice of the Faithful is troubled by the speed in which this process is being undertaken. By March 8th, Archbishop O’Malley will have a recommended list of closings – parishes around the archdiocese are being asked to analyze their finances, Mass attendance, sacramental activity, and building condition and to hold meetings with their staff, their finance councils and parish councils, as well as to host additional meetings with concerned parishioners all within a very short time period. With such a compressed schedule, we believe that it is unrealistic to expect that lay people will have any significant voice in this painful process. Furthermore, the fact that there is no provision to meaningfully involve the laity at the Vicariate or archdiocesan level, but only at the parish level, is greatly troubling to us. The laity will not feel as if they truly were involved in this reconfiguration if they have no opportunity to discuss their concerns and make recommendations on the Vicariate or archdiocesan levels.

Additionally, we ask for a greater level of accountability from the archdiocese about the need for and the impact of these closings, and how they fit into the global plan for archdiocese. The Chancery has not yet disclosed the specific reasons, with supporting information, for the massive reconfiguration, which could include up to 80 parishes. Without such an explanation, it is impossible to comprehend the potential financial impact the closings will have on the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, the pastoral impact they will have on its members, and the social impact they will have on the residents of the city of Boston. Voice of the Faithful is calling on the Chancery to provide a full explanation for why this many faith communities will be disrupted and for an analysis of the long-term impact of the closings. Finally, we believe it is imperative that the Chancery demonstrate to the laity how these closings will fit into a larger plan to heal the archdiocese of Boston and attract Catholics back into the pews.


About Voice of the Faithful: Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) is a worldwide movement of concerned mainstream Catholics formed in response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis. The group's mission is to provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church. Its goals are to support victim/survivors of abuse, support priests of integrity, and shape structural change within the Catholic Church in full accordance and harmony with Church teaching. VOTF’s supporting membership exceeds 30,000 registered persons from more than 41 U.S. states, 21 countries and 188 Parish Voice affiliates throughout the world.



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3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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