Contact: John Moynihan, jmoynihan@votf.org,
(617) 558-5252, (617) 680-2131 cell
For Immediate release
Voice of the Faithful Salutes Susan Hogan-Albach
January 25, 2008 - Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) pays tribute to Susan Hogan-Albach, former religion writer for the Chicago Sun Times. Her final work, “The cardinal, his men and the McCormack legacy,” which appeared on January 24 as a blog on the newspaper’s web site, linked convicted child sex abuser Rev. Daniel McCormack and the numerous diocesan and seminary officials who ignored the decades-long warnings about McCormack. Their omissions allowed him to abuse many children who were supposedly under his spiritual care. Hogan-Albach contrasted the jail term McCormack is now serving with the way the Catholic Church rewarded its officials for their dereliction of duty with promotions and expansions of responsibility.
Hogan-Albach is a highly respected religion journalist with many years experience, most notably with the Dallas Morning News and the Chicago Sun Times. She has been among the hundreds of U.S. journalists who helped expose the clergy abuse crisis in the Church for the terrible scandal that it is. Her final publication underscored the ways that the Archdiocese of Chicago perpetuates the culture of clericalism by rewarding miscreants with promotions. To read “The cardinal, his men and the McCormack legacy” http://blogs.suntimes.com/religion/2008/01/the_cardinal_his_men_and_the_m.html#more
Press contact
John Moynihan (617) 558-5252, (617) 680 2131 ©
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2. To support priests of integrity
3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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