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August 23, 2006

TO: Editor, New York Times
FROM: Mary Pat Fox, President, Voice of the Faithful

Dear Editor,

The issue of the sexual abuse of children is a worldwide societal problem. The damage proliferates--what is done to children is seen throughout society-- as these wounded human beings grow up, struggle, some loose their way, or hurt others and themselves. Statistics show that in the US today 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys will be abused by the time they are 18.

In 2002 the clergy sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church was front-page news. It is and was a scandal of record proportions because it involved people in a position of trust violating innocent children.

We need to get to the bottom of what causes people to be pedophiles. And we need to find a way to stop those who enable this moral depravity. Language about the first amendment clouds the issue; the issue is the sacred trust that society has to protect children. The US Bishops in 2002 proposed a study of the “causes and context” of clergy sexual abuse that has yet to be funded four years later. In learning the root causes of the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church we will also get a better understanding of the root causes of pedophilia.

Viewing child pornography abuses children, and is the first step many take in their road to sexually abusing children. We must work to change the laws to protect children and hold their abusers, and those who enable the abusers accountable.


Mary Pat Fox
New York, NY
President, Voice of the Faithful

New York Times - 08/21/06
New York Times - 08/20/06




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3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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