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Contact: John Moynihan, jmoynihan@votf.org ,(617) 680-2131

For Immediate Release

Voice of the Faithful Responds to "No Confidence"
New York's Cardinal Edward Egan

October 17, 2006 – Voice of the Faithful of Manhattan was saddened to hear of Msgr. Howard Calkins resignation as Vicar of the Southern Westchester Vicariate. Disagreement does not mean disrespect. Open and honest communication is critical to healing in the Catholic Church. Such communication was sorely lacking in response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis and its absence is readily apparent in light of the recent “no confidence” letter re: Cardinal Edward Egan, archbishop of New York.

Voice of the Faithful can attest to the lack of availability of Cardinal Egan. Three letters were sent requesting a meeting with the Cardinal to offer our help after the clergy sexual abuse crisis erupted. Beyond the initial “thank you but the Archdiocese is handling this” response to the first letter no future response was received. Not long after our attempts at communication a group of 88 priests also requested a meeting with Cardinal Egan and received virtually the same response. We continue to share their frustration.

Vatican II reminds all Catholics of their baptismal responsibility to be actively engaged with their faith. We must also have faith in one another and work together to improve the ongoing crisis in our Church. VOTF’s current campaign for financial accountability is an effort to improve our Church by holding our Church leaders accountable. It is not helpful that the members of the Archdiocese of NY have not seen financial statements from the Archdiocese in more than 20 years. When people are not forthcoming with information, lack of trust begins. Clergy abuse, the response of their enablers, and financial scandals continue to weaken remaining trust in our Church leaders. Our bishops “moral authority” is, sadly, becoming an oxymoron. This is a defining moment for Cardinal Egan – to take the time to listen to his fellow priests, as well as lay leaders.

Yesterday’s letter from the Council of Priests states, "As today's meeting has shown, it is possible to meet and discuss any issue with Cardinal Egan, and if any priest has a concern he can raise it and discuss it at any time."

Mary Pat Fox, President of Voice of the Faithful and a member of the VOTF NY affiliate leadership teams states, “We hope that the Cardinal will also take this opportunity to meet with lay leaders who have concerns including representative from Voice of the Faithful to discuss among other items:

  1. The climate of secrecy and fear under which the clergy must work
  2. The status of the realignment program
  3. The failure to publish financial statements for the archdiocese, as was promised
  4. The current VOTF petition for accountability
  5. VOTF access to Church property for meetings”

Meanwhile VOTF will continue to keep the faith and change the Church.



VOTF is a worldwide movement of concerned mainstream Catholics formed in response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis. The group’s mission is to provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church. Its goals are to support survivors of clergy sexual abuse, support priests of integrity, and shape structural change within the Catholic Church in full accordance and harmony with Church teaching.





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Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.


Our Goals

1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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