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Voice of the Faithful's Winchester, MA Affiliate
Reveals Priest Survey Results

Honest Priests and Clerical Culture in State of Despair

Winchester, Mass. - February 19, 2003 - Voice of the Faithful (VOTF), a group of over 25,000 lay Catholics formed in response to the Catholic Church's sexual abuse crisis, today announced the results of the VOTF Winchester Parish Affiliate's survey of 30 Catholic Priests from the Archdiocese of Boston. Data assembled over the past six months reveals the need for an open and collaborative relationship between priests and laity; a swift and due process for priests accused of clergy sexual abuse - punishing the guilty and exonerating the innocent; and priests overwhelmingly testified to a diminished quality of life within the tarnished image of the Catholic Church. Winchester-area VOTF member and a co-author of the priest survey Christina Hurley, admits that the results are not "all-inclusive opinions" from Boston's clergy however, the survey does reveal an overlooked view into the daily pain of priests faithfully serving the Catholic Church.

"Although it's clear the views from the 30 participating clergy members are not 100 percent reflective of all priests within the Archdiocese of Boston, it's imperative to note the survey's recurring themes documented from participating priests, asking for a greater public awareness regarding: the pain of those priests serving faithfully; the on-going concerns of being falsely accused; the possibility that decades of honest, pastoral care could be erroneously destroyed; and the despair, disconnectedness and damage to the soul of the presbyterate caused by the Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandal."

About the Priests Survey
The survey is divided into three distinct portions: background information, current parish situation and working for the future. Excerpts from the priest survey are as follows:

  • Survey Question: What is your current image of the Catholic Church?

    Survey Results:
    40% of those surveyed responded with a negative image, 27% of those surveyed responded with a positive image and; 33% of those surveyed responded indeterminate.

  • Survey Question: In many ways for the Catholic Church, this is the best of times and the worst of times. What is "Best" and "Worst" for you?

    Survey Results "Best":
    39% of those surveyed highlighted the opportunity to work with people; 35% of those surveyed highlighted the opportunity to effect change; 12% indicated support from parishioners; and 14% fell into an "other" category.

    Survey Results "Worst": 41% of those surveyed highlighted the laity's distrust of priests; 28% of those surveyed highlighted the performance of the Catholic Church's leadership; 14% of those surveyed indicated despair, embarrassment, loneliness or betrayal; and 17% of those surveyed indicated an "other" category.

  • Survey Question: At this time in your priesthood, what do you need from us, the people of the Catholic Church?

    Survey Results: 67% of those surveyed responded with the need for affirmation; 30% of those surveyed responded with the need for the laity to press for reform; and 3% were indicated "other."

Complete survey results may be obtained at the VOTF Winchester-Area Web site.


Complete survey results may be obtained at the VOTF Winchester-Area Web site.

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1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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