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Voice of the Faithful
Statement on Who We Are
Revised Initial Working Document
Voice of the Faithful, Inc. is an organization composed of Catholics
striving to be faithful to the teachings of Our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ. Joining VOTF is not a break with the Church but a
commitment to strengthen and renew it. The following affirmations
are not meant to be a complete statement on who we are. They are
primarily a response to those who misunderstand us, including members
of our Church's hierarchy and lay Catholics who misinterpret our
mission and goals.
The Executive Committee of Voice of the Faithful recommended this
Statement for action by the VOTF Representative Council, which remanded
it on April 26, 2003 to Parish Voice affiliates for discussion and
comment in preparation for further action by the Representative
Council. The Statement was also reviewed by Rev. Ladislas Orsy,
S.J., an advisor to Voice of the Faithful on canon law and theological
- We are faithful Catholics
in communion with the universal Catholic Church.
- We love and support
our Church and believe what it professes.
- We accept the teaching
authority of our Church, including the traditional role of the
bishops and the Pope.
- We will work with
our bishops, clergy, and other members to strengthen unity and
human moral integrity in our Church.
- We believe that sexual
abuse by clergy and the response of bishops, protecting abusers
and forsaking the abused, have caused great human suffering and
damaged the moral authority of our Church.
- We believe that the
laity has the graced dignity, intelligence, responsibility and
obligation to cooperate in Church governance in a meaningful way
according to the norm of law (cf. Canon 129) to correct the profound
flaws that have been revealed in the human institutional life
of our Church.
- We believe that the
council documents of Vatican II illuminate the pathway for lay
involvement in the Church.
- We urge that the openness
and mutual respect advocated by Pope John Paul II in Ut Unum
Sint ("That All May Be One") be the model for meaningful dialog
among bishops and laity.
Please provide your feedback to David Castaldi at dlcvotf@hotmail.com

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Voice affiliate in your area.
here to get your copy of Keep the Faith, Change the
Voice of the Faithful is recognized as one of the
most promising lay organizations to evolve in the Catholic Church. Your
support is absolutely necessary for us to continue. The online
donation form and the mail
in donation form are both quick and easy ways for you to participate,
and we are most grateful. (VOTF
is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. )

Mission Statement
To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit,
through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance
and guidance of the Catholic Church.
Our Goals
1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.
2. To support priests of integrity
3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

Pray Each Day
at Noon
Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness.
Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More
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