Spread the Inspiration …
A note from Dan Bartley, VOTF President
A climate of change is brewing in our world. And the Church must know that it is not immune. People are finding new ways to use technology to express themselves, individually and collectively, and are finding the strength to demand change where it is needed.
This spirit of change has been welling up in our Church, as a grass roots movement, for years… and has slowly been gaining strength. We work hard to bring our message of change to the bishops and to Rome. But to effect change from the top down is painstakingly slow and difficult.
How much more successful would we be if we gained momentum for change among those closest to the people: the priests?
We have seen how revolutionary change can “rise up” from the lowest levels of authority. With the support of our priests, surely Rome would finally hear our concerns about accountability and financial transparency, our hopes for meaningful lay input, and our need for a Church that lives out the message of Christ — instead of turning its back on the wounded.
This past June, nearly 2,000 people gathered in Detroit to support that message. A feeling of empowerment and joy filled the room. As I looked out over the crowd, my eyes came to rest upon a priest. Despite severe warnings and admonitions to members of the clergy from Church authorities, this priest, along with other priests and nuns, stood proudly among those in attendance. Perhaps, true to his calling to serve his people, he had heard their hopes for change. And he, too, saw the vision of a better Church!
Will you join me in honoring this courage by reaching out to our priests as “Agents of Change”?
VOTF has ordered copies of a special DVD which contains the most inspiring portion of the opening prayer service in Detroit. The DVD includes the reading of “The Valley of Dry Bones” from Ezekiel 37:1-14, the song “Veni Sancte Spiritus,” and the poignant “Litany of Lament” created by Future Church (you may download the reading and lament for free at www.futurechurch.org to review it).
With your donation of $25, $35, $50 (or whatever you can give) we will send this special DVD to a priest in your area. You may request that we send it to a specific priest — simply provide his name and parish on the order form.
We will also send the following message with the DVD, and you may add a personal note, if you wish, (either anonymously or signed).
Dear Father,
Perhaps in your heart, you wonder why so many lay people are seeking Church reform. Many courageous priests came to Detroit this June to hear why, to hear the concerns of the people. They came despite severe warnings to stay away. We ask you today to show that same courage by simply listening.We believe that if you listen, you too will be moved, and we believe that priests, like you, play an important role in effecting change within the Church.
Please take a moment to view the enclosed DVD containing a brief portion of the opening prayer service at the American Catholic Council in Detroit. Please also reflect upon this personal note from a concerned layperson who seeks change … [SPACE FOR OPTIONAL PERSONAL MESSAGE]
To lend your support to our request:
Online: Simply click and transfer to our Donate page. Be sure to enter the words “Priests DVD” into the Comments field (on the 2nd screen) along with your own personal message (optional) and/or the name and parish of a specific priest (optional).
By Mail: Send this completed form along with your donation to: VOTF, PO Box 423, Newton, MA 02464.
We would like to send out as many DVDs as possible, so please lend your support!
May God Bless You,

Dan Bartley
Voice of the Faithful