In the Vineyard :: January 13, 2012 :: Volume 12, Issue 1

Saturday, January 21 12:00 Noon

Day of Justice for Women in the Church with Fr. Roy Bourgeois
Saint Bartholomew’s Church Parish House, 325 Park Ave. at 50th Street in Manhattan, New York (within walking distance of all major subway lines, Grand Central and Metro North, easily accessible from LIRR at Penn Station and Port Authority Bus Terminal)
1:00 – 1:15 Welcome
1:15 – 1:45 Excerpts from “Pink Smoke over the Vatican” documentary
1:45 – 2:15 Address by Roy Bourgeois
2:15 – 3:00 Questions & Answers
3:00 – 3:20 Break, Refreshments
3:20 – 4:30 Panel presentations and discussion on
                 Women Leaders in Early Christianity: Rita Houlihan, FutureChurch
                 The Debate on Ordaining Women: Francis Piderit, VOTF NY
                 Primacy of Conscience in Catholic Teaching: Stanley Azaro
4:30 – 4:40 Petition Presentation
4:40 – 5:00 Closing Prayer service

Roy Bourgeois will be in the New York metropolitan area on Friday, January 20 through Sunday, January 22 for a series of events. On Friday, he will be in Park Slope, Brooklyn to talk about the "School of the Americas Watch: Then and Now

On Sunday, January 22 at 10am  he will be presenting at Huntington’s Cinema Arts Centre :
Breakfast and Film Screening with: Father Roy Bourgeois
IMG_4268royPink Smoke Over the Vatican is about a group of impassioned women who are challenging the Vatican: labeled heretics, heroines, radicals, & visionaries, this unique group of religious women have chosen to live out their spiritual calling through the forbidden path of ordination. Their struggles encompass both the internal battles wrought by going against the Church they love as well as the external battles with the Church hierarchy, centuries-long tradition, and the rampant prejudice that still prevails against women in positions of power. (USA, 2011, 64 min., color, Blu-ray)

Guest Speaker Father Roy Bourgeois is facing excommunication because he has been a leading advocate for women’s religious rights and participated in the ordination of a Catholic woman priest. Roy is best known as the founder of The School of the Americas Watch. For over 20 years, Roy has dedicated himself to the struggle for social justice in Latin America and beyond. He has served time as a political prisoner for non-violent protests and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. In recent years Roy's conscience has lead him on another related journey, supporting women's rights to ordination in the Catholic Church. As a human rights activist, Roy can’t ignore the blatant sexism of the Catholic Church and is willing to risk excommunication in speaking out.

Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611

Breakfast: 10am-11am • Film & Discussion: 11am-1pm

All Seats: $15.  Tickets can be purchased online, at the box office during theatre hours or by calling Brown Paper Tickets 1-800-838-3006

Click HERE to watch the trailer
Since 1973, presenting the best U.S., International, Independent & Repertory films on 3 screens 365 days of the year, in a comfortable ambience including the sculpture garden & The Sky Room Café, the Cinema Arts Centre is located at 423 Park Ave (just south of 25a), Huntington, NY 11743 (25 miles east of New York City). Admission for regular programs: $10.00. Discounts for members, seniors, students & children. CAC is a not-for-profit 501(c) 3 organization. For further information call 631-423-7611. To sign up for weekly email schedule: Membership and Schedule:

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