• Jim Post delivered an address at SNAP’s June meeting in Chicago, IL. Read here.
  • Cardinal George, sadly, calls Church critics “enemies of the Church.” Read more.
  • What the bishops passed – the Charter and Norms are on our web site. For one recap, visit here.
  • In July 2004, the Vineyard reported that one of the foremost authorities in Catholic social attitudes, Dr. William D'Antonio, received a grant to carry out a study of Voice of the Faithful. The study has been completed and its findings will be presented at Boston College in October. as part of the Church in the 21st Century initiative. Watch the BC web site for details.
  • Senator Rick Santorum (R Penn.) still thinks Boston's liberal environment gave rise to the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, despite global facts to the contrary. VOTF president Jim Post responded to the Senator's statements: "Senator Santorum's comments reflect an ignorance of the facts and a refusal to recognize the effects of sexual abuse on thousands of innocent people. Research studies by the Catholic Church document a tragedy of vast proportions, affecting every diocese in the United States. We ask that Senator Santorum work to prevent sexual abuse instead of pandering to sociological biases and falsehoods." For more on the Senator's statements, click here.


  • Sacramento, CA diocese arrives at $35 million settlement of abuse cases. Read more at and the Catholic Courier . In addition, the Santa Rosa, CA diocese reached a $7 million settlement. Both cases were filed after California enacted a law establishing a one-year window in 2003 during which victims of childhood sexual abuse could file civil suits previously barred by the statute of limitations.
  • Louisiana’s state legislature last month approved a bill extending the statute of limitations on child sex abuse crimes to 30 years from 10 years. Read More.
  • Visit VOTF Australia web site and see the work they are doing
  • Kris Ward tells reported that Ohio VOTF affiliates' hard work and unflagging support for justice is paying off. "The OH state senator Robert S. Spada, Assistant Majority Floor Leader of the Ohio State Senate, was the chair of the Ohio senate committee that brought the extension of the statute of limitations bill to the senate floor. The bill includes a one-year window for those abused in the past 35 years to file a civil suit even if the statute of limitations has passed in their cases. Senate Bill 17 passed unanimously in the Ohio State Senate and the survivors who testified in day-long hearings were given a standing ovation by the Ohio senators. The bill has now been sent to the Ohio House of Representatives." Senator Spada joined VOTF in Indianapolis on Friday afternoon and along with SNAP’s Barbara Blaine shared the ins and outs, ups and downs, of dealing with state statutes of limitation.
  • SAVE THE DATE - Sunday October 23 at Boston College: A symposium on Voice of the Faithful as a Social Movement in the Catholic Church. The symposium begins with Bill D'Antonio and Tony Pogorec providing an overview of their study based on surveys of, and interviews with, VOTF founders, current leaders, and national members. Commentators will include Fr. Robert Imbelli, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Robert Gamson and others. See more details in the August Vineyard.
  • Don’t miss Justice Anne Burke speaking at the Weston Jesuit School of Theology on October 7 and NCR Vatican correspondent John Allen speaking at Boston College on October 14 at Boston College. Click here for details.
  • VOTF Winchester, MA is selling their original-art Christmas cards again. Bob Morris writes: “In 2003, our Winchester, MA affiliate designed and produced four Christmas cards to help benefit survivors. We have raised over $6000 the last two years, and have donated these funds to provide scholarships for survivors to attend the annual SNAP conference (2004) and to subsidize survivors to visit Link-Up's Farm in Kentucky (2005). We are aiming for $10,000 this year and are asking other affiliates to participate in this drive.” Contact
  • Boston VOTF is fast completing work on a new initiative. The effort is called the “Boston Initiative” and is modeled on the successful outcome of the St. Albert’s closing/closing rescinded experience. To learn more, subscribe to their twice-monthly newsletter – contact Dorothy Kennedy at

Vince Grenough of VOTF Louisville, Kentucky sent the following item just before our convocation. It remains pertinent because, as we learned at the convocation, the good and hard work of Voice of the Faithful has more support than we may know.

“This past Sunday five of us at our parish (St. William in the west end of Louisville) who are going to the Convocation were called up in front of the gathered community after the Eucharistic Liturgy. We stood in a circle with our Pastoral Administrator (a lay woman), our Director of Formation (another lay woman) and our Sacramental Moderator (a man). The community all stood and raised their outstretched hands over us as Fr. John Burke, a true priest of integrity, prayed:

‘Good and Loving God, we ask Your blessing on our members who will soon be participating in a Convocation of Voice of the Faithful. As members of Voice of the Faithful, we pray that they will continue to be faithful to the call they have heard to be instruments of healing and reform in Your Church. May their voices be heard, and may they continue to be beacons of light and hope in a Church that is so much in need of both. This we pray in Jesus' name. Amen’

The church erupted in applause, along with a few whoops of approval.

We want you to know that every one of you, every single member and supporter of Voice of the Faithful, were in our thoughts and in our hearts at that moment. We hope you also felt the energy of that blessing and that you also experience renewed enthusiasm to live out the Mission of Voice of the Faithful with courage, perseverance and charity.”

International News

MaryAnne Gervais of VOTF Saanich Peninsula, Canada wrote the following about the report of the Ontario bishops’ Spring ‘05 meeting:

“Unbelieveable - not a mention of Protecting Children from Sexual abuse in the Diocese; and not a mention of the Ontario Task Force for the prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children by priests, religious or laity within the Diocese. This is astounding.

How is this possible? This same-sex marriage issue has become a red-herring to take heat off the real problems in our Church. Imagine! The Church lets pedophile priests take and give Eucharist but they are actually excommunicating politicians who vote for same-sex marriage in our country. One example is a member of parliament, whom I know well, was refused communion for voting ‘yes’ in Parliament for same-sex marriage. This is a great family man, a great Catholic man and a great citizen.”

For the bishops’ report, click here.

In the Vineyard
July 2005
Volume 4, Issue 7
Printer Friendly Version

Page One

News from the Convocation:

National News

Regional News

International News


  • Carolyn Disco – “Jim Post and Common Ground – A Graced Evening”

Book Reviews

  • Clerical Culture: Contradiction and Transformation by Michael L. Papesh

  • Survivors of Predator Priests - J. M. Handlin, ed.

Letters to Editor

From the Executive Director



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