Commissioning of the National Representative Council Ceremony on Sunday 7/10/05

BLESSING from the Voice of the Faithful

We raise our hands in blessing, and we call forth the blessing of all those who have chosen you, and we ask God to fill you with the grace, courage, wisdom and integrity needed to fulfill your call to represent all our voices with fidelity.

With our Mission Statement and Goals as the foundation of all we say, all we do, all we are, may God keep you attentive to the Spirit, grounded in God’s truth and sustained in God’s love.

We ask this, as all things, in the name of our loving and generous Creator, Redeemer and Holy Spirit. Amen

Opening Prayer on Saturday July 9

Here I am Lord, Send me.

Here I am Lord,
   A survivor; a victim no longer, in my pain and brokenness you have created strength and new life; you have sent me.

Here I am Lord,
   I have found my voice, passive no longer. I hear your true call. It is your work I am to do. You lead me to build up your church. I must respond. I struggle to respond.

Here I am Lord,
   United to you in baptism as priest, prophet and king, your life-giving love and compassion are my strength; knowledge of you carries me forward. I go forth in you.

Here I am Lord,
   I can listen to the precious other, I can hear your voice crying out for justice and mercy, In all that I do, in all that I am, I can answer.

Here I am Lord,
   In communion with my brothers and sisters in faith, in our common baptism, we go forth in your name, naming you always at the center. We are your body.

Here I am Lord,
   At your table, there is nourishment, there is peace, there is life. We eat of you. We drink of you. You are our food for the journey.

Here I am Lord,
   Your Spirit is our guide, our authority. You called us in the Spirit. We felt your presence as we gathered, as we continue to gather. Humbly we listen to you. To you we are faithful. Our faith is in you.

Here I am Lord, send me!

In the Vineyard
July 2005
Volume 4, Issue 7
Printer Friendly Version

Page One

News from the Convocation:

National News

Regional News

International News


  • Carolyn Disco – “Jim Post and Common Ground – A Graced Evening”

Book Reviews

  • Clerical Culture: Contradiction and Transformation by Michael L. Papesh

  • Survivors of Predator Priests - J. M. Handlin, ed.

Letters to Editor

From the Executive Director



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