A Note from Ray Joyce - First Impressions

At this early stage in my tenure (ten weeks) I think it’s important to share my first impressions. I’ve spent much of this time listening to some of the many voices that make up Voice of the Faithful as well as representatives of related organizations. The recent Convocation was a wonderful opportunity to meet so many of you face-to-face and to listen further. I’ve noticed many common attributes among VOTF members; faithful, compassionate, collaborative and pro-active. However, it’s the level of commitment, after more than three years, for many, that is really quite extraordinary. Despite the continuing problems in our Church specific to survivors, priests of integrity and laity, the level of commitment from VOTF members never waivers. And in Indianapolis, based on what I heard, that commitment was further affirmed. It’s an honor to be serving so many faithful voices. I welcome your first impressions of me.


Ray Joyce

In the Vineyard
July 2005
Volume 4, Issue 7
Printer Friendly Version

Page One

News from the Convocation:

National News

Regional News

International News


  • Carolyn Disco – “Jim Post and Common Ground – A Graced Evening”

Book Reviews

  • Clerical Culture: Contradiction and Transformation by Michael L. Papesh

  • Survivors of Predator Priests - J. M. Handlin, ed.

Letters to Editor

From the Executive Director



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