In the Vineyard  ::    July 2, 2009   ::    Volume 8, Issue 13

Local Action Platform:
Global Change Starts With Local Action

Our focus is on practical, pragmatic tools, including:

  • Parish-based transformation programs for renewal of parish and finance councils

  • Establishing parish-based safe environment committees

  • Structured programs for VOTF affiliate renewal and for starting new affiliates

  • Communications toolkits for VOTF affiliate promotion and outreach

We are looking for members of VOTF who are interested to help with the significant work that lies ahead. Over the next year, we will be developing practical tools that local parishes and affiliates can use to transform their activities. We need volunteers who can help us research best practices, and work with parishes and affiliates on pilot programs. We are also looking for volunteers to help with initiatives on parish closings and mergers, and with carrying forward survey work on parish and diocesan practices nationwide. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Francis Piderit at or Brad Pritts at for more information.

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