An Update from VOTF North Shore – Seacoast Affiliate
Submitted by Eleanora Paciulan on the merger of the North Shore and Seacoast affiliates in Massachusetts
Following initial discussions about how members of the North Shore, Seacoast, and Lynn affiliates could better serve VOTF’s goals, the North Shore and Seacoast groups chose to merge. The Lynn members indicated a desire to continue being involved with the Faith Formation program; however, their members were too involved in other Lynn activities to commit to a merger. They decided to offer four Faith Formation Presentations for the 2008-09 season and focus on other programs related to the VOTF goals.
The theme of the 2008-09 Faith Formation Program is The Liturgical Year: Seasons for Spiritual Growth. The Steering Committee also sponsored two additional presentations that addressed Goals 1 and 2.
In November 2008, a panel of area pastors spoke on the topic, What is it like to be a priest? The dialogue between the priests and attendees was very open, honest, and frank.
Meanwhile, the Faith Formation Working Group has been planning for the 2009-10 program, Alive in the Holy Spirit. The Steering Committee is sponsoring a presentation, Catholic Common Ground Initiative and the Challenge of Dialogue on October 21, 2009.
Members of our Affiliate have found that through our experience in VOTF, we have been blessed with friendships that have both challenged and enriched our personal faith. In addition to the educational programs mentioned above, we begin each season worshiping together at Mass and socializing afterwards. We close the season with a Pot Luck supper.