National VOTF Representatives Meet in Chicago
Report prepared by Hugh O’Regan, Region 11

Background: VOTF’s National Representatives meet twice yearly in an effort to exchange ideas, concerns, news and discuss future plans. On June 2nd – 4th the representatives met at the Cenacle Sisters Retreat house in the heart of Chicago. The second meeting of the National Representative council has been scheduled for November 10th -12th in Saint Louis. Observers are welcome.

What Happened: The National Representatives and observers started arriving on Friday afternoon, making their way by taxi, van or auto to the modern but sparsely decorated retreat house of the Sisters of the Cenacle. The schedule was full. For the next two days the representatives would be asked to think out of the box; review and affirm or question VOTF policy decisions; elect trustees and learn new techniques for conflict resolution and affiliate growth. Different regions face different and distinct challenges in their (arch)dioceses, and individual affiliates face differing choices. One reason why the National Rep Council meets twice yearly is to share what worked and what might have been done differently. In so doing, Council members are then expected to return to their own regions and disseminate what they have learned to member affiliates within those regions.

The conference started at 7PM with prayer, introductions and a review of the meeting ground rules by Ron DuBois who would be moderating each session for the next two days. With that out of the way, the balance of the evening was taken up by a training session on Decision-Making and conflict-resolution techniques.

The approach taken by the facilitator, Linda Mains, was to identify the types of decisions which any organization must make: Autocratic (Leader Alone) decisions, Consultative decisions (Leader with formal input) and Consensus decisions (Leader and group together). The trick is to arrive at agreement on which type of decision is needed for any action. Group leaders at every level need to identify who needs to be informed, who needs to be consulted, and who needs to have a vote. Short-circuiting or failing to make this determination will almost always result in less than enthusiastic group participation as well as unsuccessful actions.
On Saturday, the nitty-gritty of the conference itself began. Various committees of the Council gave presentations. Election guidelines were presented by Ron DuBois (Region 1). A report and discussion of the by-laws was presented by Bill Culleton (Region 3).

Sheila Peiffer (Region 2) led a spirited discussion on Council participation and the election of VOTF trustees. The election of the four at-large Board of Trustees members scheduled for this time was postponed to a later date because of procedural concerns. VOTF president Mary Pat Fox and Executive Director Ray Joyce presented reports on “the state of VOTF” and directions for the future. Dan Bartley (Region 2) gave an excellent presentation on strategies for growth. Dan gave the following advice: Don’t sit down and ask, How do we grow? Sit down and ask, How do we get people involved? Growth will come from involvement. Frank Douglas led another spirited discussion on VOTF resolutions concerning our support for statute of limitations reform legislation. The Council affirmed its support for victims and recognized their need to publicly tell their story.

Council and officers then discussed the organizational relationship between VOTF Trustees, the Rep Board, the Affiliates and the Officers. Who consults with whom and when? When does VOTF National take the lead and when should a local or regional affiliate’s actions take precedence. The Chicago situation with Cardinal George was used as an example on how that relationship might work out in practice.
Sunday morning’s session was taken up by an election of two National Representatives to the Board of Trustees and a short review of the guidelines for VOTF working in partnership with other organizations. When does it make sense for VOTF to work with other organizations? What are the guidelines? What are the pitfalls?

Ron Dubois (Region 1) and Dan Bartley (Region 2) were elected by secret ballet to sit on the Board of Trustees. Bill Culleton (Region 3) was elected to replace out-going Steering Committee member Frank Douglas.

In the Vineyard
June 8, 2006
Volume 5, Issue 11 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

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