National Office Notes
The VOTF National office said farewell to Susanna
Gregory last week. Susanna’s work as office manager
for the better part of the past year was always going
to be temporary – she will soon return to graduate
school at the University of Dayton to earn
a PhD in theology with a focus on the laity. Susanna’s
serene, intelligent and gracious style affected the
entire office for the better
and she will be missed.
VOTF is again fortunate in the acceptance by Angela
Tragos of the position of office manager. Angela is
a recent Boston University graduate and is currently
a candidate for a Masters of Theological Studies at
B.U. Angela’s passion for non-violent activism
and her six years as a commissioned United States Army
Officer from Boston University ROTC in the Massachusetts
Army National Guard (where she achieved the rank of
First Lieutenant and was responsible for commanding
a platoon of 30 soldiers) will stand her in very good
stead for the work of Voice of the Faithful! Earlier
this year, Angela wrote “Fully Warrior: Cooperative
Unity” published in the Journal of Women
in Uniform. Washington D.C: Women’s Research & Education
Institute, 2006.
We hope callers and office visitors will join the
VOTF office staff in welcoming Angela.