In the Vineyard :: March 27, 2014 :: Volume 14, Issue 6

Bishop Caggiano  at VOTF Bridgeport (continued) 

By Jamie Dance, Chair VOTF Bridgeport

Bishop Caggiano reminded us that this upcoming synod is to be the fourth in the history of the diocese, and 32 years in the making. It is a formal convocation of all the leaders, lay, religious, and priest, in the diocese and it will address the most urgent issues, and through discernment and prayer, will find options for solving the identified problems. He sees the synod as extraordinarily important as a way to forge a path forward given the disaffection of our youth and the great loss of worshipping Catholic adults.

Four hundred and forty delegates, the vast majority laity, will be named to the synod, along with associate delegates who will listen and be consulted. So, well over 1,200 people will be part of the process. There will also be a gathering of youth who will be asked to speak for themselves. The bishop’s hope is that, at the end, we will all be “more united, filled with courage and energy, and the fire of God’s grace.”

In order to encourage the participation of everyone in the diocese, Bishop Caggiano announced the establishment, on Monday, March 17, of a diocesan website dedicated to the Synod that will invite consultation, both asking for feedback and celebrating what is being done well. The bishop placed one caveat on his public reporting of these consultations: “All feedback will be reported, but only what the bishop can print.” Evidently, foul language was found occasionally in the responses to the Papal Questionnaire.

A question and answer period followed. It was notable for its respectful tone and the serious efforts many in the audience made to seek out Bishop Caggiano’s response to what many call “hot-button issues”. Several women addressed the exclusion of women from preaching, the diaconate, and the priesthood. The bishop responded that there is more work to do on granting women their rightful role in the Church. However, he was clear that Pope John Paul II closed the discussion on the ordination of women authoritatively.

The priestly formation of seminarians was also questioned, leading Bishop Caggiano to respond that the process has undergone development to ensure the seminarian’s intellectual, spiritual and personal readiness for the priesthood. He added that one of the issues that he hopes to address in regard to pastors is their lack of preparation for managing the business of the parish. Many, he said, are put in the position without any background knowledge or experience. He would like to somehow relieve them of this burden, “so pastors can be pastors.”

Bishop Caggiano was widely known in Brooklyn for his work with youth. He continues this ministry in Bridgeport, having met with different groups at least twice. For many, the sacrament of Confirmation is “the end,” because they find religion’s rules and regulations unappealing. The bishop tied unconditional love experienced in a Catholic home with a child’s ability to internalize the religious experience of God’s love in her adult life. Children need to know that they are “worth something and loveable, that they are beyond price.”

The topic of artificial birth control was raised in connection with the great suffering of families in developing nations. Bishop Caggiano replied that the real issue is the “disparity of wealth and food production.” The bishop asked us to “give a face to the poor in order to bring people together.” He added that he would advise us all to read Humanae Vitae to discover the unique structure of the act of love.

At the end of the evening, Bishop Caggiano again was given a standing ovation. While many may have hoped for more liberal answers on some issues, it was quite obvious that the bishop won over many in attendance with his open, gracious, and friendly manner. We are indeed fortunate to have him as our bishop.


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