Chicago IL: Another Trajectory of Shame

  • National Public Radio has excellent coverage of this story, including a chronology of documentation of warnings to the Jesuits dating back to 1969. 
  • SNAP has written a letter to the Jesuit Provincial in Chicago IL.

  • The Marquette Tribune (WI) questioned the length of time it took the Jesuits to respond appropriately. “The Society of Jesus simply relocated McGuire every time he was found to have molested a child instead of taking any action to prevent it, and he was only asked to stop wearing clerical garb last month.” 
  • New York Times coverage of Fr. Donald McGuire’s arrest by Federal authorities notes that an alleged 2003 incident with a teenage boy took place “one year after the Catholic bishops of the United States declared that all priests credibly accused of abuse should be removed from ministry service.” 
  • The Archdiocese of Phoenix posted on their web site allegations of abuse against Rev. Donald McGuire shortly after SNAP requested that the information be made public. See the Arizona Republic for the story.

In the Vineyard
November 13, 2007

Volume 6, Issue 21
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