In accordance with the By-laws of VOTF, Inc., the Board of Trustees
conducts an election of national Officers (President, Vice-President,
Secretary, and Treasurer) in February of even-numbered years. The
next election will take place in February 2008, and those elected will
serve a two-year term.
As chair of the Board’s Governance Committee, Elia Marnik will
oversee the entire process through the assistance a Nominations
committee (headed by Mark Mullaney) and an Elections committee (headed
by Margaret Roylance).
In a few days, the Nominations Committee will announce the duties and
expectations for each Officer position, the criteria for nomination,
the nominations schedule, and the process and procedures for
determining a slate of candidates. The Trustees urge you to give
prayerful and serious consideration to the core membership
responsibility to nominate and elect those whom you feel are
best-suited to carry out these critical leadership positions.
Since the election will be conducted again by electronic ballot, it is
crucial that VOTF has your most recent email address—now and
through February. More guidance about updating that information
will follow shortly.
Well in advance of the election, the Elections Committee will notify
the membership about the process and procedures to vote for candidates
and the schedule for voting and announcing election results.
The committees will also post relevant information about the election on the VOTF website (
If you have any questions or concerns as the overall process unfolds,
please feel free to contact a local affiliate leader (if applicable),
your regional representative, or the chairs of the respective
committees below.
Thank you for your continuing efforts to fulfill VOTF’s mission and three major goals.
Bill Casey
Chair, VOTF Board of Trustees
Elia Marnik, Chair Board Governance Committee:; 781.944.1375
Mark Mullaney, Chair Nominations Committee:; 508.276.1171
Margaret Roylance, Chair Elections Committee:; 617.332.9170