In the Vineyard :: November 8, 2013 :: Volume 13, Issue 20

17 Things we Know About Pope Francis
Seventy friends turned out to hear Paul Lakeland on October 25

  1. Care of the Poor

  2. Loyal son of the church

  3. Avoid excessive attention to Doctrine need more on Healing and Salvation

  4. First pope to have a living predecessor

  5. Calls himself the Bishop of Rome rather than Pope

  6. Increase prominence of women…women as Cardinals?

  7. Conclave

  8. Suports liberation theology

  9. Curia Reform

  10. Takes advice but he makes the decisions

  11. He is a Jesuit

  12. Personal simplicity inI life

  13. Contractual Intellectual

  14. Very smart …Savvy

  15. Wants to be with people, not a loner

  16. Recognizes failures…says people change

  17. Not a young man…limited time!

5 Questions about the Pope:
            1)  Is he a liberal? A conservative liberal?
            2)  Is the Pope naive?
            3)  Is the Pope a feminist?
            4)  Is the Pope a transitional figure?
            5)  How did he get elected?



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