In the Vineyard  ::   October 1, 2009   ::    Volume 8, Issue 17

A Call for Help from the SCG Platform (continued)
Assisting in researching forms of prayer that have a history of use within our Christian tradition, and developing Prayer Templates based on them for our online Prayer Resource Center. Sharing your writing skills to inspire and motivate our membership. Assisting in the organization, planning and administering of a Spiritual Blog. Assisting in identifying prayer services, themes and events that are in use among our membership.

We know there exists a richness of talent, diversity and experience within our VOTF membership. If you have a background, training or certification in spiritual direction, spiritual mentoring or in facilitating adult spirituality, you may have a special calling to assist us. Please contact one of the following to offer your services:
Ron DuBois,, 781-843-1676 (Co-chair)
Mary Farmer,, 516-807-5314 (Co-chair)

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