VOTF Holy Trinity Church, Washington, DC

Ministry Day at Holy Trinity was a great success for all who provided information as well as all attendees.

VOTF had a great poster display, lent to Bob from the national office (affiliates can borrow this display set up by contacting John Moynihan at the national office at 617-558-5252) along with a very large supply of handout materials. Included were material for the Accountability Campaign (including the petition), VOTF in the Survey of American Catholics, and the VOTF national brochure,.

There was a community-building spirit, with people chatting around the posters during the coffee hours after each Mass. One learned a lot about other ministries, and truth be told, most of the people wandering around looking are among the most active people at Trinity. It was good for VOTF to be included on the flyer announcing Ministry Day, and in the individual posters prepared for each ministry by the Parish Council. We were given a table in a prime location in the path to the coffee and donuts, We were able to see get extra VOTF materials placed in the back of the church, for people to take the following Sunday.

One person interested in VOTF asked "What do you actually do?" and signed up. She's a sister of St. Francis and ran the Mt. Carmel Women's Shelter at old St. Mary's downtown. She works now in the Jesuit House on 36th St. and will come to our next meeting because she, too, wants more accountability in the Church.

A women, who teaches Ignatian Spirituality in the parish, came over at the end of the day and signed up. She took a flyer to post in the Parish Center. She won't come to monthly meetings but wants to be on our distribution list. We are hopeful that such efforts will lead others to get involved with VOTF.

It was a very rich two days of information and sharing on Church reforms and lay ministries. Katie said: "A very Catholic weekend!" A lot of Good News shared and a warm up for our Fall Kickoff.*

*The Fall Kickoff refers to Fr. Tom Reese’s scheduled visit to VOTF on Sept. 30. His address is titled, “A Survival Guide for Thinking Catholics.”


In the Vineyard
September 21, 2006
Volume 5, Issue 16 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

Petition for Accountability

Page One

Diocese/State Watch

Survivor Community News

Affiliate Highlight


Structural Change Working Group

Voice of Renewal/Lay Education

Prayerful Voice

Goal 2 - Priest Support



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