of the Faithful Focus – A brief update
highlighting both a problem in our church and some
progress being made as we work together to Keep the
Faith, Change the Church.
Archdiocese of New York recently released the final list
of parishes slated to
be closed. While this
list is substantially shorter than the preliminary list
released in March 2006, it included the names of some “vibrant
parishes” including Our Lady Queen of Angels (OLQA)
in East Harlem. It should be noted that most of the 21
parishes slated to be closed are located in low-income
neighborhoods. The question on everyone’s mind is ‘What
was the decisive factor that has one parish closing vs
Voice of the Faithful began the education process on closings
and mergers almost two years ago when the Archdiocese first
announced their intent. We have continued to advise and
assist a number of the parishes threatened with closure
including assistance with the recent protest held on behalf
of OLQA. Read
For five years Voice of the Faithful has been insisting
on greater lay involvement as well as greater financial
accountability and transparency within the nation’s
Catholic parishes and dioceses. It is heartening to note
that US bishops may be hearing that message. As noted in
the Jan. 25 Vineyard, the Accounting Practices Committee,
a group of lay experts who advise the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has called for tighter internal
controls over finances in the nation’s more than
19,000 parishes. In addition to recommendations on tighter
financial controls and transparency Bishop Dennis M. Schnurr,
Treasurer of the USCCB is quoted in the press release saying "Finance
is an area of parish ministry that is wide open for participation
of the laity. Members of the laity who have expertise and
experience with administration and finance should be invited
and encouraged to consider a stewardship of their talents.
The message to our seminarians should be that, as parish
leaders, they are to recognize, call forth and coordinate
the talents that God has entrusted to a particular parish
For the USCCB press release, click here.