of the Faithful Focus – A brief update highlighting both a problem in our Church and some progress being made as we work together to Keep the Faith, Change the Church.
As part of its bankruptcy agreement, the diocese of Davenport IA will begin an unprecedented campaign of reform and restitution to sexual abuse victims. Indeed in the eyes of many survivors the non-monetary commitments may be even more important than the $37 million settlement. Under this agreement:
- The diocese will post on its Web site for nine years the names of all known perpetrators.
- Within a year, Bishop Martin Amos will visit all parishes where abuse occurred and publicly identify perpetrators.
- Amos agrees to support eliminating criminal statutes of limitations for child sex abuse by clergy.
- Parishes are to allow claimants to speak in churches where they were abused.
Click here for more information on this historic agreement.
Voice of the Faithful salutes the brave survivors who insisted on these landmark provisions to the bankruptcy settlement.
In contrast, the situation in the Diocese of Bridgeport CT is not so hopeful. The article below documents the long history of malfeasance by three Bishops – Curtis, Egan and Lori – as well as the scandal of numerous priests who continue to abuse their position and their parishioners.