of the Faithful Focus – A brief update
highlighting both a problem in our church and some
progress being made as we work together to Keep the
Faith, Change the Church.
Archdiocese of New York showed its ugly side with its harsh
treatment of faithful Catholics
attempting to protest the closing of their parish. Six
women, all parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church
in East Harlem were led away in handcuffs before the full
entourage of the New York press corps.
Two weeks later, Cardinal Egan summoned the Fr. Eugene
Sawicki pastor of Our Lady of Vilnius, another NY church
threatened with closure, and while they were talking
had security guards change the locks on the church.
Read “That’s one way to close a parish” on
the Commonweal blog.
Voice of the Faithful presented its Priest of Integrity
Award to Bishop Thomas Gumbleton before an overflow crowd
in Washington DC. on Saturday February 24th. This was only
the 4th time we have bestowed this award. Bishop Gumbleton
was recognized for his support of an active
role for the laity in the church, his extraordinary support
of survivors of clergy sex abuse, and for the example he
shows each of us in living life with an informed conscience.Read
more about the presentation which further
describes the award and Bishop Gumbleton’s lifelong