of the Faithful Focus – A brief update
highlighting both a problem in our church and some
progress being made as we work together to Keep the
Faith, Change the Church.
The Archdiocese of St. Louis has established a Priests’ Wellness
program for all its priests. This multifaceted plan
will be coordinated with a number
of Catholic hospitals to benefit the mental, physical and emotional well-being
of priests. The program was created to make sure priests get adequate health
care and stay physically, emotionally and professionally fit. Read
Reports of financial improprieties
continue to pour in. A bookkeeper
at a Catholic girls’ school in Cleveland OH has recently admitted to embezzling over
a half a million dollars over a period of several years. "It was, in
a sense, money we didn't know we should have had," said Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis,
President of St Joseph Academy. Read