Voice of the Faithful's Newsletter
July 9, 2007 


Voice of the Faithful Focus – A brief update highlighting both a problem in our church and some progress being made as we work together to Keep the Faith, Change the Church.


Lay vocation is irreplaceable says Archbishop
"To be a lay Christian in the Church is precisely a vocation, in fact, it is the most important calling.” said Archbishop Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. Speaking at a Conference titled "Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: Laity in the Church Yesterday and Today", Rylko went on to say "The laity have their particular responsibility for the life of the Christian community in the local Church. It is an essential, great and beautiful vocation!" Read more.


Chicago Archdiocese just doesn’t “get it”
The leaders of the Archdiocese of Chicago do not understand the damage done when a young person is abused by a priest. The damage is long-lasting with many permanent effects. It also proliferates harming the families and friends of the victims as well. Chicago also reminds us that this abuse crisis in far from over. Fr. Daniel McCormack pled guilty to 5 counts of child sex abuse on Monday. He abused these young people during the past year. Failure to comprehend the nature of sexual abuse and its toxic consequences enabled McCormack to abuse children four years after the bishops established "The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People."




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