of the Faithful Focus – A brief update
highlighting both a problem in our church and some
progress being made as we work together to Keep the
Faith, Change the Church.
Since its beginning Voice of the Faithful has been preaching the values of accountability, transparency and improved business management practices in the Catholic Church. Two recent news items underscore this focus. Consider this op ed in the Boston Globe written by Thomas Healey, a fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, which describes improvements in financial transparency in Boston and in Tyler, Texas. Read more.
In addition Bishop Randolph Calvo of Reno, Nevada, spoke on the values of accountability and transparency to a gathering of diocesan employees in Louisiana. Read more.
Unfortunately the news continues to bring stories of financial embezzlements when the necessary financial controls are not in place. Consider this case in New Jersey of a Catholic high school principal who pled guilty to embezzling more than $400,000 from the school. Read more.
These stories happen all too frequently. Last year, a Villanova University study reported that 85% of the dioceses in their survey reported at least one case of embezzlement in the previous five years. Voice of the Faithful has been tracking stories of embezzlements in Catholic institutions and has listed 50 cases totaling $25.4 million since January 2006.