of the Faithful Focus – A brief update
highlighting both a problem in our church and some
progress being made as we work together to Keep the
Faith, Change the Church.
continue. Law enforcement officers in Virginia estimate
that a recently retired priest may have embezzled more
than $1 million from two rural churches. Rev Rodney L.
Rodis was recently arrested at his home which he shares
with Joyce F Sillador and three children. He and Sillador
have been living together since at least 1998 according
to court records. Read
A recent editorial in the Palm Beach Post praised the local
affiliate of Voice of the Faithful for working with the
diocese to help establish practices to achieve financial
accountability and transparency in a diocese that has been
rocked by embezzlement scandals. See Vineyard 10/05/06
The editorial stated: “The diocese has helped restore
credibility by working with Voice of the Faithful, a Boston-based
reform group that advocates financial transparency and
accountability on other church problems such as sexual
abuse by priests. Peter Amann of Palm Beach Gardens, chairman
of Voice of the Faithful in Palm Beach County, wants to
open lines of communication: ‘Our goal is to establish
a collaborative dialogue among the faithful and the hierarchy.’" Read
Look for the next Vineyard edition to be sent on January