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"The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."
Psalm 119: 22

In this issue, readers will note hope for justice in Alaska and Delaware; concern for justice in New York NY, Portland OR and San Diego CA; and acts toward justice in VOTF affiliates from Twin Cities MN to Bridgeport CT. VOTF invites you to share your own hopes, concerns and acts for justice - write to

A resolution passed by the NRC and awaiting concurrence by the officers would explore the "Current State of the Priesthood and its Ability to Meet the Needs of the Faith Community." See the full text of the resolution here, including the voting tally.

AFFILIATE Highlight: Twin Cities, Minnesota will sponsor a discussion on “Voices of Hope: Educating About Nuns Who Sexually Abuse Within the Catholic Community.” Read more.

DIOCESE/State Watch

Eyes on New York Archdiocese of Rockville Center: An abuse trial before the jury in State Supreme Court in Nassau County began on Monday April 16. The case involves a youth minister, not a priest. According to the New York Times of April 16, “A rare civil trial involving sexual abuse and the Roman Catholic Church … is noteworthy not only for its potential for disturbing testimony, but also for the fact that it has gotten this far at all. Despite thousands of complaints of sexual abuse of children involving the Catholic Church in the United States in recent years, few have resulted in court cases, and most of those never come to trial. A vast majority of the abuse lawsuits ended in settlements, with the victims and the accused spared the embarrassment of testifying.” New York Times subscribers can access the story or visit the Voice from the Desert blog.

VOTF California reports welcome news: “The Archbishop of San Francisco, George Niederauer, has responded to San Francisco VOTF's request to appoint a liaison to further communication and cooperation between our organization and the Archdiocese.” The Archbishop has asked VOTF to be involved in an upcoming lay convocation in the Northern California. VOTF San Francisco was instrumental in the planning of the gathering to take place in June of this year.

Portland OR: “With the approval of a bankruptcy reorganization for the Archdiocese of Portland expected …, church reformers fear that the archdiocese has succeeded in avoiding public accountability for decades of child sexual abuse by priests.” For a VOTF and SNAP perspective, see the Register-Guard.

The Child Victims Act was passed by the Senate in Delaware and now awaits passage in the House. According to VOTF members in Delaware the Delaware Catholic Conference did not mount opposition to the bill, which drew support from a strong coalition of supporters. VOTF Coastal Delaware’s John Sullivan had his letter supporting SB 29 published in the diocesan newsletter, alongside that of another supporter of the bill. Go to “The Dialogue” at Also, read Fr. Tom Doyle’s Delaware testimony: TESTIMONY OF THOMAS DOYLE, J.C.D., C.A.D.C., IN SUPPORT OF S.B. 29, STATE OF DELAWARE on the VOTF website.

Sadly, the San Diego diocese accounting system prompted, “a federal judge overseeing the bankruptcy proceedings …[to order] an outside accounting expert to sort through what she called, ‘the most Byzantine accounting system I have ever seen ….’” The judge believes the accounting practices may have been “reckless” but “not malicious.” Subscribers can access The New York Times, April 12th story. Earlier this month, the Arizona Star reported: “A Tucson attorney was scheduled to appear in federal court in San Diego today to defend herself against claims that her client, the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, attempted to shift funds to parishes without court approval.” Read more.

REMINDER: As noted in the April 5 Vineyard VOTF Bridgeport CT and the chair of Catholic Studies at Fairfield University will present “Follow the Money: Financial Accountability in the Catholic Church” on Saturday April 28. For information, click here.

Legislative action to protect children is lively in several states: Alaska, Connecticut, Idaho and Delaware. For a quick look at articles/reports from these states and the Connecticut Attorney General’s written testimony, click here.

To read additional DIOCESE/State Watch updates in Burlington VT; Bridgeport CT; and New York NY go to the navigation bar and click on DIOCESE/State Watch.

BOOK Review:VOTF’s Anne Southwood reviews Dr. Mary Gail Frawley-O’Dea’s book Perversion Of Power: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville TN, 2007.

Commentary - former VOTF president and current VOTF trustee Jim Post comments on the recent recognition paid to David O’Brien by Holy Cross College. See “Called to Action: David O’Brien”

LITURGICAL Reading: Stan and Eileen Doherty offer a liturgical reading plus.

What's this?

SITE-Seeing, Etc.

MONDAY, April 23: Some events ARE guaranteed to stimulate. Boston College’s Church in the 21st Century Center will present “Catholic Senators and Presidential Candidates: Their Faith and Public Policy,” once again moderated by Tim Russert. For more information and to register, click here. .

The ongoing discussion of “The Church Women Want,” co-sponsored by the Catholic Common Ground Initiative, will be held at Graymoor Abbey, Garrison NY during a weekend retreat April 20-22. Fairfield University professor Elizabeth Dreyer will speak on “Medieval Women Mystics: Weird or Wonderful?” For details and registration, call (845) 424-2111 or visit Cost: $155 Single—$110 per person double.

Pope Benedict XVI is taking up considerable print space in some major publications lately. The New York Times Sunday Magazine of April 8 and the April 2 issue of the New Yorker offer illuminating perspectives on this Pope’s understanding of the Catholic Church in the world.

FYI – “Deliver Us From Evil” will be available on DVD on May 8. Click here.

For commentary on American Catholics Today: New Realities of Their Faith and Their Church by William V. D'Antonio, James D. Davidson, Dean R. Hoge and Mary L. Gautier go to

Commonweal magazine article of April 6, 2007 considers why people leave the Church. Click here.; another article expresses concerns over some reformers’ “vengeance.”

Possibly, a CREATIVE Response on Behalf of Protecting Our Children: Diocese of Winona MN. The Diocese of Winona in partnership with Professional Learning Board launched an interactive online learning community teaching members of the Catholic diocese about recognizing and reporting child abuse. Learn more and let us know what you think at

Voice control trumps dialogue again: The April 6 issue of National Catholic Reporter offers a Wire Services perspective on the recently denounced Marquette University professor Daniel Maguire for writings that US bishops found “erroneous and incompatible with the church’s teaching.” Subscribers can read the full text. Maguire has been banned from speaking on church property in the diocese of Milwaukee; his tenure and academic freedom at Marquette remain in tact.

  • In the same issue of NCR, see commentaries “Abuse crisis changes Catholic schools” and “Catholics must rethink parochial school system”

QUOTE for our time: Thanks to Janet Hauter, VOTF Chicago, for an Anne Lamott quote: “Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.”

CORRECTION to the April 5 issue of the Vineyard: Our new affiliate at Eastern Iowa VOTF is in Iowa, not Michigan as noted (although VOTF Kansas is, in fact, in Ohio!) Thanks to our readers for the catch.

In the Vineyard
April 19, 2007
Volume 6, Issue 8
Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

Page One

VOTF National Representative Council Update

DIOCESE/State Watch


Commentary - former VOTF president and current VOTF trustee Jim Post comments on the recent recognition paid to David O’Brien by Holy Cross College. See “Called to Action: David O’Brien”

LITURGICAL Reading: Stan and Eileen Doherty offer a liturgical reading plus.

BOOK Review: VOTF’s Anne Southwood reviews Dr. Mary Gail Frawley-O’Dea’s book Perversion Of Power: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville TN, 2007.

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