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Welcome to Parish Voice
Welcome to Parish Voice (PV), an opportunity to bring the Voice
of the Faithful to your own community. To date, over 30,000 Catholics
in 50 U.S. states and 21 countries have heard our message of hope
and renewal and have become Voice of the Faithful members.
Through the Parish Voice initiative, parishioners all over America
are forming Voice of the Faithful affiliates so that they can begin
fulfilling the VOTF mission and goals at the local level with family
and friends. It's in our parishes and dioceses that we will foster
basic lay involvement in the guidance and governance of the church.
And it's in our communities that we can most immediately help the
survivors of sexual abuse by priests, support priests of integrity,
and work for structural change within our beloved Catholic Church.
A group qualifies as an affiliate if its membership agrees by a
two-thirds majority with the mission statement and goals of Voice
of the Faithful.
Priests and parishioners alike are finding that a PV affiliate
is an asset in the parish community. The affiliate offers the pastor
another way to reach parishioners and to understand their concerns,
and parishioners have found it a healing experience to work with
their pastors in meeting the crisis that we face. A PV affiliate
also offers parish staff and parish council members a way to be
involved that's not limited by the day-to-day requirements of their
official parish role.
In this way, affiliates of VOTF are helping parishes rethink their
approach to lay involvement, and even very successful parishes are
seeing a change for the better. These local improvements have an
especially empowering effect within a parish because the changes
are also part of the larger VOTF movement. At long last, parishioners
can feel a sense of involvement that transcends their own parishes,
with Catholic laity from different parishes working together, often
for the first time. Affiliates vote to support Voice of the Faithful's
mission statement and goals and maintain close contact with national
Parish Voice staff, but they also have the independence needed for
them to work freely at the parish and diocesan level.

Find a Parish
Voice affiliate in your area.
here to get your copy of Keep the Faith, Change the
Voice of the Faithful is recognized as one of the
most promising lay organizations to evolve in the Catholic Church. Your
support is absolutely necessary for us to continue. The online
donation form and the mail
in donation form are both quick and easy ways for you to participate,
and we are most grateful. (VOTF
is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. )

Mission Statement
To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit,
through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance
and guidance of the Catholic Church.
Our Goals
1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.
2. To support priests of integrity
3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

Pray Each Day
at Noon
Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness.
Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More
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