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Dear Friends and Members of Voice of the Faithful:

When the revelations of sexual abuse in Boston and its cover-up by members of the hierarchy occurred over a year ago, Father John Philbin said that the Holy Spirit would appear and revitalize the church. I believe that the emergence of the Voice of the Faithful is a manifestation of that holy intervention.

It is a great pleasure to contribute to this Special Edition of In the Vineyard devoted to the anniversary of the Boston Archdiocese Convocation last March and so much more that followed that day. In particular, I recall the amazing Convention held by VOTF in Boston only six months after its founding - truly a manifestation of the spirit of renewal so badly needed by the church. I recall the skepticism that an event for 4,000 could be conducted with less than a year of preparation. Yet it was done by Paul Baier and his legions with fewer than three months of preparation. The success was the result of inspired and courageous leadership by Paul Baier, who took on personal liability for all bad events that might have occurred at the convention, in the tradition of Paul of the early church.

As we commemorate and celebrate, it is useful to use the strength derived for the tasks ahead. The message of VOTF is now formulated in a very clear manner - we intend to support survivors, to honor priests of integrity, and work for structural changes that are not in conflict with the core teaching of the church. To do this we must participate in the governance and guidance of the church, as we are called to do by our baptism and the documents of Vatican II.

As a former President of VOTF, my view is that the most pressing task of VOTF is to continue to grow in numbers of individuals and affiliates. This requires money and personal efforts. Millions of Catholics would join VOTF if they were more fully exposed to its ideas. Our current leaders are doing marvelous work to facilitate the growth of the organization - over 150 affiliates have now formed. The growth would be even faster if each reader of In the Vineyard became a modern disciple by spreading the word of VOTF to several friends - by passing on a copy of this commemorative issue.

As we grow, let us give thanks for all of the good of the Catholic Church - for our many teachers and spiritual mentors, for the mystical experience of the divine we gain from the sacraments, and for the good work of the hierarchy for peace in our world. Let us continue to work and pray that we might help strengthen this struggling and beautiful church.

Jim Muller
Founding President VOTF
Chair VOTF Board of Trustees



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In the Vineyard
VOTF One-Year Anniversary

Page One

Reflections of
Dr. Jim Muller

Jim Post Looks Back with Gratitude

Convocation Reflections

VOTF- Hope in Action

National VOTF Office Staff

Book Review
The Prophetic Imagination

Say What?


VOTF Best Practices, February 2003

Announcements and Events of Note

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives

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Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.

Purple Cross

Our Goals

1. To support those who have been abused

2. To support priests of integrity

3. To shape structural change within Church

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Pray Each Day
at Noon

Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness. Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More



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