Steve Krueger,
Executive Director, Voice of the Faithful
Ten years ago, I experienced a spiritual awakening
in a Minneapolis Church and felt God's call. Through
a series of events that only the Holy Spirit could have
orchestrated, I found myself worshipping in the pews
of Saint Ignatius. Soon I found myself serving in the
ministries of Saint Ignatius. Then, I found myself studying
the documents of Vatican II with the Jesuits and staff
of Saint Ignatius. I began discovering the opportunities
and responsibilities we share as a priestly people.
Before long, I was sitting on the Parish Council and
dreaming what for me was a strange, new dream: a dream
of Church. The People of God. The Body of Christ. A
dream of what Church, at Saint Ignatius and elsewhere,
could be. I began to imagine a more perfect organization
as a faith community doing the work of Christ, the perfect
person, here on earth.
I invite you to dream this dream. Imagine that
our Church, here in this parish, here in this archdiocese,
here in this world, is the resurrected Body of
Christ, through which we grow, die and live again. Imagine.
Imagine We are a supportive, loving family.
Imagine We seek to understand each other before
seeking to be understood.
Imagine We encourage one another in our journeys
of faith, whatever the cost.
Imagine We are courageous enough to ask "Why?"
Imagine We are honest enough to ask "Why Not?"
Imagine We do not judge one another.
Imagine We hasten to forgive and console.
Imagine We celebrate accomplishment but do
not rest on it.
Imagine We embrace our weakness in order to overcome
Imagine We uphold Christ's love, values and spirituality
more than religious dogma.
Imagine We reflect God's grace in this world.
Imagine We are Church.
Imagine this is what God wants for us … for
Now go to America magazine and use your imagination.
Litany for Creation
O let the earth bless the Lord;
O ye mountains and hills, bless ye the Lord;
O all ye green things upon the earth, bless ye the Lord;
Praise Him and magnify Him forever.
O ye waters of earth, bless ye the Lord;
O ye seas and floods, bless ye the Lord;
O ye whales and all that move in the waters, bless ye
the Lord
Praise him and magnify him forever.
O ye birds of the air, bless ye the Lord;
O ye wolves and coyotes, bless ye the Lord;
O ye deer and forest creatures, bless ye the Lord;
Praise Him and magnify Him forever.
O ye rabbits and squirrels, bless ye the Lord;
O ye woodchucks and foxes, bless ye the Lord;
O ye chipmunks and small things, bless ye the Lord;
Praise Him and magnify Him forever.
Let us bless God, our Maker, our Creator.
Praise Him and magnify him forever.
Almighty God, we ask your blessing upon these animals,
gathered here today. We thank you for the many ways
in which they enrich our lives. Give them health and
happiness and long life; bless them in the days to come
and keep us mindful of our responsibility for these,
too, your wonderful and beautiful creatures.
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of the Faithful is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization.