About Parish Voice
Welcome to Parish Voice, an opportunity to bring Voice of the Faithful to your own community. It is in our parishes and dioceses that we can foster lay involvement in the guidance and governance of the church. And it is in our communities that we can most immediately help the survivors of sexual abuse by priests, support priests of integrity, and work for structural change within our Catholic Church. A group qualifies as an affiliate if its membership agrees with the mission statement and goals of Voice of the Faithful.
Priests and parishioners alike find that a VOTF affiliate can be an asset in the parish community. It offers the pastor another way to reach parishioners and to understand their concerns. It encourages parishioners to support parish activities and offer their expertise to address areas of concern. It provides opportunities to address needed reforms and increase lay input into the governance and guidance of the Church.
These local improvements have an especially empowering effect within a parish because the changes are also part of the larger VOTF movement. Linking with national action allows parishioners to feel a sense of involvement that transcends their own parishes, with Catholic laity from different parishes working together, often for the first time.
For more information, download our document Why VOTF? or call the National Office at 781-559-3360.