If you’re interested in reading news relevant to VOTF pratically when it happens, follow the Vocie of the Faifthful® Blog. Every day, we monitor stories from around the world to keep tabs on VOTF issues. Then we post the most enlightening stories to the VOTF Blog. We also post all news releases, statements, and other important information coming from the national office and affiliates, and commentary written by VOTF leaders and members.
To follow the VOTF Blog, click here, scroll down the page until you see FOLLOW BLOG VIA EMAIL, enter your email address in the box provided and click the “Follow” button. You also can use the link to read the blog.
Once you’ve become a follower, you’ll receive an email every time we put up a new VOTF Blog post. The email will contain a link to the post. Clicking the link in the email will take you to the post, where you can read it, comment on it, post it to your Facebook page, Tweet it, re-blog it if you have your own blog, share it on your other Social Media networks, and click on links within the post that lead to media stories or other pertinent material.
See you in cyberspace!