From the twelfth century up to Vatican II, she (Dr. Phyllis Zagano) said the diaconate was essentially on hiatus and this ‘robbed the church of the richness of the charism.’
By Sarah Mac Donald, The Tablet
“The Catholic Church has been ‘robbed’ of the richness of women in the diaconate, according to a senior academic and author.
“Dr. Phyllis Zagano, adjunct professor of religion at Hofstra University, said, ‘There is not now and never has been any doctrinal finding that women cannot be restored to the diaconate.’
“In her reflection on women and ministerial service in the Church at a Loyola Institute’s symposium: ‘A Servant Church on the Synodal Way,’ she said, ‘Women can receive the sacrament of order as deacons, just as they did for hundreds of years in the early Church.’
“Dr. Zagano has just launched her latest book, Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality and Women.
“From the twelfth century up to Vatican II, she said the diaconate was essentially on hiatus and this ‘robbed the church of the richness of the charism.’”
By Sarah Mac Donald, The Tablet — Read more …