As responsible Catholics, we strive to educate ourselves about our sacramental (Baptismal) role as members of the Body of Christ and to revitalize our collegial roles within the Church in the spirit of Vatican II.
The links and resources here offer opportunities to study Vatican II documents, especially on the laity and the Church (Lumen Gentium and The Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity), prepare and present materials designed to assist and foster mature faith, educate ourselves about current issues in Church and society in light of the life and teachings of Jesus, and offer models of lay education in the spirit of Vatican II to VOTF affiliates.
If you would like to participate directly in the Voice of Renewal Working Group, you are welcome to join our virtual community—an Internet discussion group where we share ideas about the concerns of contemporary Catholics.
Study Guides — packages designed for self-paced study or adult education groups
Renewal Resources — aids for planning and organizing small faith-sharing groups, conducting days of renewal, leading prayer services
Book Lists — an annotated bibliography, some book reviews and chapter-by-chapter summaries of selected volumes
Rights of the Laity — paper describing the rights of the laity as detailed in canon law and the documents of Vatican II
How to Develop an Affiliate or Parish Project — a one-page guide to organizing your own project
Proposing a “Parish Read” Project — steps to take when proposing a lay-led project to a pastor and Parish Council