The VOTF Prayer at Noon
"Jesus, Lord and brother, help us with our faithfulness.
Please hear our voice and let our voice be heard. Amen."

Keeping Prayer at the Center
Reflections by Susan Troy, M.Div.,
Founding Member, Voice of the Faithful
It is the heart of VOTF's Mission Statement
... "a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit." We all want to
stay centered in prayer as we work together to achieve our voice
in the Church.
There are many ways prayer unites us. Most profoundly
we are united in the rhythm and power of the Eucharist celebrated
by all the Faithful. But we acknowledge the need for more prayer,
to keep us as The People of God in VOTF, united and in communion
with the Spirit that energizes and supports each of us in this important
Daily communal prayer is foundational to our tradition.
It was practiced by Jesus, who went to pray as a faithful Jew at
the prescribed time in the synagogue. "He came to Nazareth, where
he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue
on the Sabbath day. He stood up to read and was handed a scroll
of the prophet Isaiah." (Luke 4:16) Jesus told his disciples to
pray: "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly father
..." (Matt. 4:44) The apostles gathered in daily and constant prayer:
"Everyday they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple
area and to breaking bread in their homes. The ate their meals with
exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor
with all the people." (Acts 2:46) It is recorded of Paul that, "when
he had finished speaking he knelt down and prayed with them all."
(Acts 20:36) When Paul and companions took leave of other faith-filled
people at Tyre, "All of them, women and children included, escorted
us out of the city, and after kneeling on the beach to pray, we
bade farewell of one another." (Acts 21:5)
The pattern for prayer is clear. It permeates everything
we do, in our gathering as community, in our communal places of
worship, in our homes, in the eating of a meal, in the moment of
leave taking. We pray together.
