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Contact: John Moynihan, jmoynihan@votf.org, (617) 558-5252, (617) 680-2131 cell

For Immediate release

Voice of the Faithful Full-Page Ad in NY Times Identifies “Moral Crisis” in Catholic Church

Says Transformation of Church Is Possible With Greater Lay Involvement and Financial Transparency; Justice for Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse; and Resignation of Bishops Who Transferred Pedophile Priests

A full page ad appearing in today’s New York Times and paid for on just a few days notice by over 1,000 donors to the Catholic reform organization Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) calls for greater lay involvement; financial accountability from Church leaders; just and compassionate treatment for survivors of clergy sexual abuse; and the resignation of bishops who transferred pedophile priests throughout decades of clergy sexual abuse.

A copy of the ad can be found at http://votf.org/pope/ad.html  

“Our Church faces many serious challenges – a moral crisis, in fact.  But we in Voice of the Faithful believe that the transformation of our beloved Church is possible,” says VOTF President Dan Bartley of Long Island. “We are placing this ad in an attempt to encourage all Catholics to participate in this transformation. We envision a Church that is open, transparent, and accountable and look forward to a Church that embraces the gifts and talents of the laity.”

“But the challenges are significant” Bartley observes.  “It is difficult for our Church to be a moral beacon when so many bishops who transferred known predators remain in office. The declining number of clergy jeopardizes the availability of Eucharist and the laity continue to be excluded from meaningful participation in decision-making. Catholics -- particularly the young -- are leaving our Church. Deep polarization exists in our Church about how best to fulfill our sacred mission. Do we go backwards – to a pre-Vatican II Church, or forward – by embracing Vatican II.”

The ad presents a detailed list of how Voice of the Faithful believes the Catholic Church can be transformed and rejuvenated. 

  • Survivors will be treated with justice and compassion.
  • Bishops would be accountable to the people they serve.
  • Lay participation in decision making would be fully embraced.
  • Our Church would have full financial transparency and accountability.
  • The noble pursuit of wisdom and truth would be encouraged. Fresh spiritual and theological insights would be openly discussed and evaluated.
  • Dialogue about meaningful, positive change would be encouraged through forums and other opportunities for Catholics to express and develop their faith.

To arrange interviews with Voice of the Faithful representatives from the national office or from your local area, please contact John Moynihan (617) 558-5252, (617) 680 2131 ©


Press contact

John Moynihan (617) 558-5252, (617) 680 2131 ©

About Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) VOTF is a worldwide movement of concerned mainstream Catholics formed in response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis. The group’s mission is to provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church. Its goals are to support survivors of clergy sexual abuse, support priests of integrity, and shape structural change within the Catholic Church in full accordance and harmony with Church teaching.





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Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.


Our Goals

1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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