Lent provides a window of opportunity to build and fortify our relationship with God. Open the widow wide today and cultivate a prayerful silence; let the gentle breeze of God’s words flow into your heart. Be present and listen! Give thanks to the Lord, with all our hearts, for the Lord has heard the words of our mouths and answers our pleas. (See Psalm 138:1)
Readings for Feb. 18, 2016, Thursday of the First Week of Lent
Reading 1 — Esther C:12, 14-16, 23-25
Responsorial Psalm — Psalm 138:1-2AB, 2CDE-3, 7C-8
Verse Before the Gospel — Psalm 51:12A, 14A
Gospel — Matthew 7:7-12
To see today’s readings, click here for USCCB Daily Readings …