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A Litany for the Faithful
At the time of the Conclave

R: God of Wisdom, God of Mercy, God of Justice, hear our prayer.

Lead us, as the Body of Christ, to raise our “voices” in prayer, helping us to be active participants in the selection of the successor to the chair of St. Peter.

R: God of Wisdom, God of Mercy, God of Justice, hear our prayer.

Let the hearts and minds of the Cardinal/Bishops gathered be truly open to the work of your Holy Spirit in their midst as they accept the important work of choosing new leadership for your Church, your people.

R: God of Wisdom, God of Mercy, God of Justice, hear our prayer. Let the Spirit of Wisdom, Compassion and Openness dwell among all your bishops as they contemplate the needs of your Church; help them be responsive to the prayers of the People of God.

R: God of Wisdom, God of Mercy, God of Justice, hear our prayer.

May the “Sensum Fidelium” inform the deliberations of the leaders of our church in conclave, may the “faithful’s voice” be heard and the genuine needs of the People of God be at the center of all deliberations.

R: God of Wisdom, God of Mercy, God of Justice, hear our prayer.

May the Gospel values of love, justice, inclusion, mercy, reconciliation and communion guide the collaboration and vision of those who are called to elect a new Pontiff.

R: God of Wisdom, God of Mercy, God of Justice, hear our prayer

Instill in the People of God a genuine sense of hope as they look to the future; hope in the Risen Christ who we meet along our own road to Emmaus this Easter season; hope in the Spirit of the Risen Christ that dwells in and among us and is with us all ways, until the end of time.


Prayer on the Day We Buried a Pope

Father of Mercies,
Firstborn of the dead
Spirit - fluttering in the pages of the Book of the Gospels
- and alive in our hearts.
From the place where our traditions run deep and thick,
From the place of Peter's bones and the dome that soars
to touch Your face.
From the pilgrims of all humanity
- give us life from life.

Give to your servant and our
Holy Father, Pope John Paul II
in the place You have prepared for him
- eternal rest
- joy
- and peace.

Give to the world the peace
its temporal leaders
spoke to one another
Lord, make it so!

Give to your people
the inspiration of the
voices of the faithful
- spontaneously raised,
- full, alive, reverent
- but not to be denied
Lord, make it so!

Amen. Alleluia.

- Kristine Ward
National Vice President

Our Prayers for Pope John Paul II

Lord of all times and seasons,
Author of life,
Conqueror of death,

Stand at the side of our Holy Father
Pope John Paul II.

Guard him with Your strength,
Comfort him with Your Presence,
Lead him from love to perfect love,
Shepherd him from life into eternal life.

We, your people, ask for
the protection of Your sacred
heart upon the world and the
the Body of Christ in these
hours of uncertainty in Your

Trusting in Your promise to be
with us always, we ask for the
gifts of Your Holy Spirit.

- Kristine Ward
National Vice President

The Lord is my light and salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life:
of whom shall I be afraid.
Psalm 27

Loving God we pray for our beloved John Paul II burdened with the pain and suffering of disease and failing health; may the love and prayers of all those he has led in the faith surround and comfort him in his suffering.

Response: Lord, prepare our hearts, fill us with your Holy Spirit.

Good Shepherd, grant that our faithful shepherd, John Paul II, be blessed with your peace and holy presence as he approaches the end of his journey to you.

Response: Lord, prepare our hearts, fill us with your Holy Spirit.

Bless all the Catholic faithful as we prepare to say farewell to this Bishop of Rome, priest, teacher and light unto the world, who has faithfully born witness to your salvific love for each of us and for our world.

Response: Lord, prepare our hearts, fill us with your Holy Spirit.

In thanksgiving for the life of John Paul II and for the years he has graced the chair of St. Peter; for his mission to the world in our name, bearing witness to and boldly proclaiming Christ’s message of life, justice, forgiveness and peace.

Response: Comfort him O Lord.

“Now before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.”
John 13:1


- Prayerful Voice Working Group




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To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.


Our Goals

1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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Pray Each Day
at Noon

Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness. Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More



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