VOTF Publications
Our e-newsletters, project papers, reports, and other documents are available to view online or you may download them for printing at home. In addition to project-related publications (see Documents), you may purchase VOTF books, DVDs, CDs, and brochures by ordering online or by printing this order form and sending it along with your payment to VOTF. (Some books also are available for purchase through Amazon.com.)
In the Vineyard Archive
Links to all VOTF e-newsletter issues since February 2009
VOTF Documents
Voice Matters Newsletter

Click here to go to a webpage of links to PDF copies of Voice Matters newsletter. VOTF pubishes Voice Matters twice a year and mails to members in the spring and fall.
VOTF Books
Voices: Telling Our Stories was compiled from more than 700 responses of VOTF members who answered when we asked them to “tell us your story”: Who you are. Why you came to VOTF. What you hope to see reformed and renewed in the church. What you treasure in the Church. And why you remain. Then we gathered those answers into our – YOUR – book. Order online, or on this print form, or through Amazon.com.
These are the videos available for purchase from VOTF. The links open order forms for specific DVDs, or you may use the online link or general order form for purchases.
Conversations About Celibacy features Fr. Donald Cozzens, Fr. Richard McBrien, and Prof. David O’Brien; designed for use with the Conversations Study Guide.
Voice of the Faithful®: A Retrospective is the video prepared by noted director and film teacher Vincent Rocchio (Da Vinci Consulting, Inc.) for our 10th Year Conference, using testimonials and memorabilia from our first 10 years. (A good introduction to “who we are.”)
2014 Assembly: John Allen is one of the keynote speechers from the meeting in Hartford.
2014 Assembly: Fr. Tom Reese, the other keynote speaker at the Hartford meeting.
2014 Assembly: Pathways to Healing is the panel discussion on Restorative Justice, which included Bill Casey (coordinator of a restorative justice program at the Northern Virginia Medication Service and former VOTF trustee), Fr. Jim Connell (retired pastor, canon lawyer, and a founder of Catholic Whistleblowers), and Prof. Thomas Porter (a trial lawyer, mediator, and Methodist minister, who teaches restorative justice in Boston University’s School of Theology).
10th Year Conference (2 DVD set) features the presentations and awards at our “10th year birthday party.”
2009 Conference (5 DVDs) covers all the presentations and awards from the national conference on Long Island: excerpts from Sister Joan Chittister’s speech and full versions of the presentations by Fr. Tom Reese, Margaret L. Smith from John Jay College, Priest of Integrity Award recipients Fr. Don Cozzens and Fr. Joseph Fowler, and St. Catherine of Siena Award recipient Jason Berry.