VOTF Oct Conference

(Note: All program elements and times subject to change)

7-9 a.m. Registration

9 a.m. Call to Order and Welcome to Conference
Conference Chair

9:05 a.m. Opening Prayer

9:15 a.m. Reflection:

"What is so precious about the Catholic Church that I claim it as my own?”

9:20 a.m. Welcome to Fordham University
Fr. Joseph McShane, S.J.
President of Fordham University

9:30 - 10:30 a.m. The Crisis of Priestly Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
David Clohessy, SNAP
Mark Serrano, SNAP New Jersey
David Cerulli, SNAP New York

10:45 - 11:30 Keynote: Dr. Eugene Kennedy

11:30 - 11:45 a.m. In Honor of Good Priests

11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. LUNCH

1:00 - 4:30 p.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS

Conference participants will be able to choose to attend smaller breakout sessions that will address a rich range of issues and topics, including:

  • Protecting Our Children: How can we assure a safe environment for our children in the Church?

  • Vanishing Priests, Vanishing Eucharist: Will the ongoing shortage of priests alter the sacramental nature of the Church?

  • Restoring Trust and Credibility: What needs to be done to rebuild trust in the American Church?

  • The Responsibility of the Laity: What is the nature of lay responsibility for the Church?

  • The Media ~ Solution or Problem: Has media coverage of the crisis in the Church been fair and complete?

  • Voices of the Future: Youth speak out on what the Church means to them.

  • Sexuality and the Modern Priesthood: How can celibate priests develop a mature sexuality?

  • The Revitalization of the Priesthood: How can the faithful help to give new life to the priesthood?

  • Leadership in the Parish: How can the faithful and the pastor be true partners in parish leadership?

  • Leadership in the Diocese: How are the Bishops accountable to the people they serve?

  • Our Changing Church: How is the multicultural character of our society reflected in the Church?

  • VOTF: Where do we go from here?

4:45 - 5:15 p.m. The Future of Our Church
Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter

5:30 Liturgy of Healing and Hope



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Voice of the Faithful in the Diocese of Bridgeport is a registered tax-exempt 501 (C) (3) organization.
Copyright © 2003 Voice of the Faithful, Inc. All rights Reserved


Letter to the Bishops
Evaluation Form
Conference Program  
VOTF National
Jim Post
Jim Post
Jim Post
A.W. Richard Sipe  
A.W. Richard Sipe  
A.W. Richard Sipe  
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Catharine Henningsen
Catharine Henningsen
Catharine Henningsen
Margaret Roylance
Margaret Roylance
Margaret Roylance