VOTF Oct Conference


Important Note: Speakers subject to change at any time. The following list reflects the schedule of speakers as of October 1, 2003.. Website will be updated periodically as new information becomes available.

Monica Alvarez

St. Boniface Parish, Brooklyn

Tom Beaudoin

Theologian, Boston College; Author, Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X

Rev. John Bambrick

Priest and survivor, St. Thomas More Church, Manalapan

Christopher Bellitto

Author, Renewing Christianity: A History of Church Reform from Day 1 to Vatican II, and The General Councils: The Twenty-One General Councils of the Catholic Church

Sidney Callahan

Author, Women Who Hear Voices: The Challenge of Religious Experience

John Cecero, S. J.

Psychologist, Fordham University

David Cerulli

SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) New York

David Clohessy

SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests)

Sindy Collazo

Associate Director of Estudios pastorales para la nueva evangelización

Nancy Dallavalle

Theologian, Fairfield University

Paul Dinter

Author, The Other Side of the Altar: One Man's Life in the Catholic Priesthood

Michael Dowd

Attorney for survivors, New York

Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea


David Gibson

Author, The Coming Catholic Church: How the Faithful are Shaping a New American Catholicism

John Healey

Former Dean of General Studies and Director of the Archbishop Hughes Institute for Religion and Culture, Fordham University

Catherine Henningsen

Editor and Publisher of SALT. The Catholic Op-Ed Newspaper

Rev. Robert Imbelli

Theologian, Boston College

Robert Blair Kaiser

Columnist, Newsweek

Robert Keeler

Columnist, Newsday

Sr. Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU

Provincial of the Eastern Province of the Ursuline Sisters

Eugene Kennedy

Author, The Unhealed Wound: The Church and Human Sexuality

Mary Ann Keyes

Head of Parish Voice, VOTF

Steve Krueger

Executive Director, VOTF

Margaret Mooney

Emmaus Community, Stamford

Anthony Massimini

Author, The Dance of Christ

David O'Brien

Director of the Center for Religion, Ethics, and Culture, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester

James Post

President, VOTF

Mike Rezendes

Reporter on Pulitzer Prize-winning Spotlight Team, The Boston Globe

Margaret Roylance

VOTF Structural Change Working Group

Dick Ryan

Contributor to Newsday and SALT, The Catholic Op-Ed Newspaper.

Tom Roberts

Editor, National Catholic Reporter

Mark Serrano

SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) New Jersey

A. W. Richard Sipe

Author, Sexuality and the Search for Celibacy

Gloria Thomas

Philosopher, Marymount College, Tarrytown

Daniel Thompson

Theologian, Fordham University; Author, The Language of Dissent

Carmen Villegas

Community activist, Our Lady, Queen of Angels Church, Manhattan

Jennifer Zanini

Research Associate, Center for Applied Research on the Apostolate





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Letter to the Bishops
Evaluation Form
Conference Program  
VOTF National
Jim Post
Jim Post
Jim Post
A.W. Richard Sipe  
A.W. Richard Sipe  
A.W. Richard Sipe  
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Catharine Henningsen
Catharine Henningsen
Catharine Henningsen
Margaret Roylance
Margaret Roylance
Margaret Roylance